New Moon in Aries | Readings for all signs
With this energy we are facing a wound but also will be closing the door on it manifesting in our lives as we leave a cycle of 8 years where we made decisions that we now would not make again. We are coming back into a testing spot within our system that needs to be upgraded so that we can go to the next levels with the eclipse season.
It is essential that you all wake up to your magnificence so that you start working to rebuild what is fractured and in a way that will provide exponential support. It means we slow down in our lives to find out what really matters and then from there we give it our all and aren’t to back down from how we want to make our time on earth feel better.
Expect to get woken and to come alive in a certain area that has needed you to let go of something from your past that now needs you speaking with a stronger voice and positioning yourself as someone who is important. No more playing small because others play you into that position. Where there is heart and soul rising, new voices will present with ideas of what they most love to do. Expect people to pop alive like popcorn and to have new ways they want to be doing things. This is when we get a fresh new start if we want to take it.
Many of you will feel down and out and low because you can feel some end is near, but you don’t know where to go. Relax and enjoy the ride! Be like the baby who knows the parents will take care of things and just feel how you want to rise and do these other things that need you saying yes to them. See that solutions are coming and don’t buy into scarcity or thoughts that you don’t have a home here! Don’t plant those seeds today because they will grow. This energy demands you change and upgrade into a new plan that needs you being the peacock of your future dreams. Go for it. Listen to your heart and be proud of how far you have come. Let go of the fear keeping you small and dreaming of sad things. It’s time to welcome in a new day.
READ YOUR SUN MOON AND RISING SIGNS for the complete picture of what you will FEEL at this time.
This new moon is all about prepping you for what is to come in the next few months where you REALLY step into your truth and start operating in a different way. Now is when you are in trial and error as you put yourself into new situations that are moving you to rise above something and to give others another view of who you really are. You are for sure thinking that you need a big life change, and the energy is writing something that will be about you stepping into some new love, whether that be from romance, a new baby or with something that comes back again and is something you TOTALLY enjoy doing.
But for now, you can feel pretty sensitive in a different way where you are feeling a lot and tuning into things from your past that are getting you to see your system in a new way. This may mean you are meditating more or are writing and expressing feelings that you were taught to keep down low and hidden. What lurks beneath the surface is rising for you to really see again how you DO want to steer your ship and live life on your terms.
There is much to let go of that deals with you allowing something new to show and some other way to be the new rule of the road. This is when you are to start asserting from new senses that drive you in more authentic ways. It's about combusting into yourself so that you start feeling life from your gut and heart and really move about the world in a different way.
Something that comes as a surprise or with a synchronistic meeting is also to ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is going to bring change to your foundation and to what supports you FROM the time you are spending now in deep contemplation. The cave you go into where you are seeing many things from your past that you wish you would have done better, is a birth canal that is about to send you into another level of living your life. This feels big! So before the next chapter begins. Be with your feelings!! This time is all about you taking the stimulation of life with all its surprises and sudden collapsings and NOT walking and being a creator of more of that. Its time to put yourself into higher positions where you are working to be someone who is helping to bring the solutions or to spread something that needs to be known.
You also may feel in a clash with authorities above you who are making you question your own authority. This is here for you to start over and begin again with how you associate so that your throat is always clear when it comes to standing up and going outside the lines to do what is right. It will be hard to keep things stifled after this moon because its time to wake up your ability to influence and to really get you growing this new crop where you allow your feelings to decide what gets to stay. This means learning to not back down just because the other has a stronger voice trying to push you silent. And not back down just because old messages from your past told you there is a ceiling here that is to contain you. Its time to break on through to the other side and show that a new path is possible.
You also will be super emotional and crying over many things. You are to be bouncing around in time travel where you ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is to get you repositioning your mind and really seeing for a new view that deals with you putting yourself first and making your own needs a priority. Its when you are to be seeing that there MUST be a way for you to get through some situation and to figure out how to understand how this can help everyone grow.
You are thinking about people who are far and wide and how they have impacted you to be where you are now. There will be many miscommunications that have the opportunity to come together at this time because something in your own mind is opening to another side through something that comes as a shock or is out of the blue. You may be going on this certain path and are certain of it, but then something comes that shows you it’s time to go this other way and to break out of the lines to do what you need to do for you and the tribe. You are being given permission to break rules when it comes to ways you are feeling like you have to assert and do what you can to make a difference or grow some idea of yours.
It’s a great time to work on projects or your website or things where you want to spread what you have created -- and the effort you put in will allow energy to bring you synchronicity that puts you back into the answers or the people who will connect you into this other life you are wanting to grow into. People play a big part in that they are moving you or you are moving them, or all of you move from one first connection. But it is to show you that ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is to really bring things to the surface and get you appraising the life that is yours. You can be feeling a whole bunch of emotions about what you see and how wrong things have been built. You also are at this crossroads so what you are seeing is inviting you to step up more and be vocal about how you want things to be. For this reason, expect to feel a bit consumed into diving deep into complex matter that deals with others or your upbringing or your commitments --and how you want to start a new day with a new way that is NOT what you are locked and chained into because of your past.
So be patient with this energy because it wants you inspired in wanting to get up and go – but it holds you in the awareness of obligations that are deep and mysterious and like cleaning out an attic where things were just stuffed and hidden away because you didn’t want to deal with them. Things aren’t easy right now because you are doing major soul work that is about deciding what stays and what goes. It’s important because what goes makes way for what stays to grow. And your mind is going to be on planting new gardens and really getting serious about what YOU can achieve and go for. This is about letting go of the mistakes, the lessons learned, the pain from getting things wrong. and making today when you really get up and see that a new day is rising. You are being guided to sprout yourself new and to possibly even move in ways you will feel inspired to. Your body will be speaking and its letting you know that new plans need to be written out and EVEN IF the journey is slow – which it is going to be in parts – you are ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon says that other people are moving you to show yourself different and to now be seeking for higher roles or moves into new lands that feel like they bring a fresh start. Something is to reveal that finally comes to the light and it will have you considering making changes around a path that you thought you would be taking. Be fluid and go with the flow because there are opportunities coming to help position you in a new role that will have others seeing you differently. So the changes are for the good and they are not out to hurt you! BUT there is tons of provocation from others around you that will keep moving you to express and reveal what you know.
This really is about getting you to come out of your comfort zone and possibly out of your old belief systems and open to a new path that is to surprise you by how much it takes you by storm. This is to be exciting and when you turn some corner and you finally see this thing that you have been thinking about forever. You are getting close to a big shift that brings the full turn into view so don’t let others confuse you or too much information keep you holding back and thinking something can be done.
You are learning to love change and the new that it brings – so play with this energy and just be curious if any doors close when you thought you needed them to complete some life journey. Nothing is closing to hurt you right now. Its just pressing you so that you think again about asking for more because something that has imprinted you about another is ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is going to bring you into the heart of what you need to see that is keeping you blocked with your work or backed up with things that are affecting how you see your future. This energy wants you seeing for the positive and also with a new faith in the mystery where you KNOW a solution will rise and that everything will work out okay. Old parts of you are coming to the surface that deal with decisions you made in your past when you did for others or followed some designed way that now has you feeling that you want to clear this all up and start over with something that feels like you were destined to do this.
There are surprises with the positions in your work and you are to go towards what feels like you are able to market your expertise or to step higher in sharing more of what you know that deals with your creative gifts. You may feel bogged down by too much work or you will feel backed up by too much disorganization, that really does need you facing what has been neglected, and giving it a new home so that you can move about in better energy. The dysfunctions can really throw you off at this time so pay attention to what needs you paying attention to it. Consider this time to be when you really get into the nitty gritty of things but also that you end up proving how badass you are and how well you work under pressure.
This time is to be a bit heavy in bringing through emotions that somehow impacted your decisions that now you are seeing may need to change. This may be that you feel altered by death or some sort of separation. You also may be enamored by ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is get you feeling a bit insecure and not so sure of your place in the world as strong emotions are filling you with confusion -- because it IS too much to process. There can be a lot speaking up around not feeling confident with what sort of role you want to be. Just know, this time is squeezing something that has been restrictive in your heart where you have not allowed yourself to keep it real and to just do this thing. Its where you maybe were taught this other way and now the flood gates are stating to break. So be okay not really feeling like yourself or even if you feel in limbo and are just taking it day by day.
What is to come is to get you waking up with a quick thud that gets you inspired to step into this new role and to get back with the energy of feeling like you love doing this work for others. You are needing to come together and blend in new ways where you are being more assertive in what you are here to bring. So understand how the pain and confusion around your love nature or the feeling of abandonment or betrayal IS to get you coming through stronger in a role that expects more from others and has a more discerning sense in regard to who is and who is not your peoples. Something wounded in you attracted the people who wound you. So step up and see that you are rebuilding your system through trial and error and that what you learn is to impact the role of how we see you and think of you in a bigger way.
You also are being asked to go lightly with the criticism you feel for yourself or others, if you are tangled negatively with them, and allow the ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is to be an exciting time where you are finally snapping into gear and noticing that you are wanting to put things into better position. Its about focusing more on your career or how you want to see this thing become a canopy that supports you and embodies what you really do love to do. Things are to be coming that get you seeing into what was out of balance that needed you facing some aspect of your foundation that got you thinking rigidly that things needed to be a certain way.
This is when a clear prognosis comes to help you rebuild what you need to see support you so that you feel there is something strong and sure that you can count on. There is much change on the way so you do need to stay fluid in knowing parts of the puzzle are coming, but then more will come, and more will continue on for a few more months. This is about you not knowing what is to come and not knowing how it will rock you or cause you to feel unstable, and still walking with a positive tone in your mind and with how you are choosing to spend your time wondering about things.
The energy wants you starting over and not repeating what you saw in your past that got you thinking things need to be a certain way. There are fractures forming because there is old world stability holding you, like toxins in the floorboards, and health is important for you right now, so you need to know that new world stability is holding you. There may be memories coming that deal with your ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is to be bringing you big change where things are getting you to feel big emotions. Something about this time is where you are learning to really make yourself a priority and to really pay attention to what your heart is telling you. There are risks for you to take that deal with you doing what you need to do and making yourself the one who is seen. Its about moving yourself into the light and spreading your things farther than you have before. This sort of energy is about waking you up again to what you would have dreamed for when you were a child and thinking that anything is possible. You are to be seeing that there is way more for you to go for and also that you have so many creative ideas or projects or word sharing experiences that you know could make a difference and help others or be the answer that helps bring the solutions to things.
Your energy is active at this time and the changes will help you go with the flow as you see the results of your actions and moves that are about putting your things forward and out there for others to see. What is in your heart needs to feel free! You also will be all about trying to find freedom or get to the feeling that you have room to grow. I’m seeing something with business and when you are on the high of the wave and its SO FUN to be in that creative space where there is so much to do and you love it. When we get burnt out, there is so much to do and we dread it.
So this energy is about a rise and overflowing with this excitement for what you get to do. When you find the up wave, keep creating, keep writing, keep studying and allow yourself ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is going to be a huge reboot that you feel 100%. All of you get to now shift into this start over space where you start creating from your feelings and with wanting to be around things that feel valuable and simply essential. This is when you not only wake up to new body senses, but you wake up to remembering that you are valuable and that the creative ways that you are need more voice where you come out of the lines and not keep following the fears of what could be.
Its when you are to wake up to seeing that you can talk and walk as if there is unlimited potential where no path is ever the wrong path. You can totally transform and start walking as a completely different person RIGHT NOW. You are to be making drastic changes that come from you looking around and realizing that your mind is focused on the wrong things and there is a better way to look at the hidden where we don’t hide from it or gloss over it, but where you find joy from facing hardships because they give you new skills and abilities that otherwise you wouldn’t have.
You get the schooling from what is sucked out of you and getting you to live in scarcity AS IF you cant manifest a better foundation to support you. ACTUALLY – you are in so much power right now and you can steer it to the old world fears – or you can steer it to a new way of being in the world where you are slowing down with what matters and really putting attention into waiting for upgrades or the perfect things to finally come to you. It is to be when you face the dark in a new way as you sit like the ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This new moon is going to position you in new ways that are going to take you by storm. This is about getting real with your mental state where you start over and take more control over the thoughts you think and how you allow them to put you into a role that needs to desperately upgrade. You have become this person because of how others mis-interpreted you, and it's gotten you to buy into limitation as the name of the game. But things change now. You will start to get an itch in needing to see yourself be seen by others in a new way. You may make changes to your looks, or you may start thinking about bringing expressions forward that are creative gifts or offerings that share your leadership on something. You are going to have ideas on how you need to begin again and give yourself another chance. EXPECT a lot of provocation or sharp turns to be what is inspiring you to step up and step louder with your views of things.
This is also when you will be reaching out to others and wanting to include them in your life. This may mean new romance or a deeper level of commitment. You also may have friends return or new ones will come along and bring the feeling that they complete you in some way. The people showing up now play a part in getting you surrounded by those who can really help you open your throat and share more of what you know with the world. DO EXPECT tons of change that keeps moving along from certain poignant situations. This also says that the magic can't happen if you are hidden away at home, so you do need to be more assertive in putting yourself out there and letting people see and connect into you. Things are to happen closely around you and where ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
This is going to be one of the most transformational times of this year where you make changes that deal with more leisure or doing things that support your soul growth. It is about meditating more and hustling less. From within these silent spaces, you are to come up with AMAZING ideas on how to do your creative gifts so that they support and sustain you and become this new crop for you to enjoy. The silence, and possibly uncomfortable spaces, are where you are birthing a start over and a do over in regard to decisions made in the past 8 years that now you feel are hurting you. Now is when you get to wake up to a better plan where there is more self-love FROM YOU so that you choose for better things and don’t just take what is there. This is when you are to be growing discriminating gifts to see that you deserve the best and that waiting is your best mode of receiving what you want.
This is also saying that you are to be seeing yourself in a new role where others see you as this different person. Now is when you first start to plant the seeds that you are not who you used to be. This is when you are to see that you ARE important and that your impact can bring healing to the lives of others. So its time to come out of the cave where you think you don’t have a home and don’t really fit into this world, and start sharing and making plans to give more of what you got. You may be moving into teaching spaces or will be taking some risk of the heart to go for some creative gift that you always wanted to do. In some way, a new bundle of joy is coming into your life and its on YOU to go for this and to see that its time to ... CONTINUED in The Moon Manifesto! Get the monthly guide to read the other 2/3rds of the reading, the next Full Moon in Libra per sign readings, the Pluto Retrograde per sign readings, AND have all the collective daily readings for all of April! Its a score of a deal to keep you in the know! GET YOUR MOON MANIFESTO NOW!
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