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moon vibe guide #139

sunday 10 october

sunday 10 october

sunday 10 october

sunday 10 october

Oh hello S U N D A Y!   This day is going to speed things up and show us deep truths about what we now are leaving and saying goodbye to. There will be confirmation or support that lets you know y...

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saturday 9 october

saturday 9 october

Oh hello S A T U R D A Y!   It’s the weekend! And for some reason you are really feeling like you notice this and are aware of the time that is called, the weekend. It means we are to stop what we ...

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friday 8 october

friday 8 october

Oh hello F R I D A Y!   Good morning, love! Okay then. Be aware that we are still in this testing space to see if we are really walking the growth and healing we have been working on. As we see the...

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thursday 7 october

thursday 7 october

Oh hello T H U R S D A Y!   And the day after a new moon we have a 22 day! EPIC. SO. Be aware that the rewards continue and more and more of you are making the correct moves for your soul and not f...

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wednesday 6 october NEW MOON in Libra

wednesday 6 october NEW MOON in Libra

Oh M O O N! We love when you go new in Libra as you squeeze in closely with Mars and Chiron! This will be like a time none other. You are going to notice that people are 100% shifted into a higher ...

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