MVG 156

Good morning! Today is going to introduce a different flow to our ways and it deals with getting down to business and really stepping into new ideas about what needs to be rebuilt and done in a be...
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Good morning sweet babies! Today is all about triggering us and hitting things to the core that deal with letting us know where we are on our unique healing journey. This day is important in that w...
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Today is when you finally are really going to notice a shift around wanting to get up and start moving on things that have kept you feeling stuck and stagnant the past two weeks. Today is when we r...
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Okay then. It appears that something has come as a sting, and it is continuing to get us to talk and focus on what REALLY needs a new solution! Just know, nothing is broken beyond repair, but somet...
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Oh sweet loves! Things just went another level DOWN where we now have to face something coming to the surface that gets us all talking about where we were in denial and not wanting to see what was ...
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Okay my loves. We are moving through this tight squeeze and the day will be similar to yesterday but where it feels stronger and there is something that has reached the surface that is NOT what we ...
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Good morning babies! Today is going to be another really high energy day. This one is about taking us into our past and showing us what we didn’t decide upon correctly that NOW feels expanded for u...
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Oh wow! Today really feels like it goes deeper on what we talked about in yesterday’s energy. It's about seeing through the illusion THROUGH making new intentions about going towards what speaks in...
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Good morning loves! We are starting to move through something that will bring a big shift to many of your lives. It actually feels lighter, and it is going to change because of the new perspectives...
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You are going to encounter people around this day that somehow are here to help you move forward in finding yourself and accessing what your heart is really telling you. This week has been about st...
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