Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius | READINGS FOR ALL SIGNS
My loves! Have a beautiful ceremony with these life altering energies! This is what your next 2 years cycle is going to be about! Come back to these readings often over the next 2 years! READ your Sun, Moon + Rising Signs!
This is going to be a wild trip of a journey! For the next two years you are going to be focused on getting all the things that you value most about what you love to do out into the world in a way where you can be recognized for the gifts you bring. What is interesting though is that what provokes you to showing yourself more will be things that get you questioning your value or questioning your creative gifts. From feeling like something is wrong with you, you'll figure your way out of things and create new pathways where you are reaching for what you want and staying pressed to knowing that there are answers and passageways that will provide what you need.
It ultimately will be shifting you so that you stand solid in knowing there is going to be a way. This doesn't mean you'll be breaking down walls and getting further because of your efforts to dominate other forces, it just means you won't be giving up. Because honestly, there is a lot in this energy that is going to be testing you to heal all the old ways you have been asserting yourself, where you have been following along and showing up and keeping up with the big dogs, but where ultimately you know of a better way that can only be discovered from you going into the depth of the material and really understanding the walk of the talk.
This energy feels intense because it feels like you're in a lot of tests that are just getting to see if you're ready to wake up and to create a new crop and to go for something that feels like it's your dream. But to also accept that this looks like coming out of the lines and doing things that others maybe wouldn't do themselves.
Where you are is finding a new reason to live with wanting to be in the sensual aspects of life where you are creative with your time – and not chasing things that get you to sit in fear or feel like something is wrong with you. At this point, the provocation is serving you as it inspires you to grow, but on a daily basis it is not where you need to be. Accept that you are charting a new course for us all in how you go for what feels good to you and aren’t holding back because you have been conditioned to. This is when you are to find yourself again in wanting to keep growing and going for more.
You may be connected to someone who is far away, and they are inspiring you to take a leap and follow your dreams. There is to be something that uproots – in a surprising way – and really the ground that gets pulled up is what will roll you down some hill and into this new awareness about where you need to be. Expect to feel jolted awake, but to also see that there is truth here and it is going to require that you take a risk and believe ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
The Solar Eclipse is to bring you into a new space where you are going head on into the debts of life or things that before you have not wanted to face. Your energy will be changing in that you will be looking around more and will actually feel driven to go into what is dark and dirty, that before has been a fear in facing. This can have your senses waking up in regard to what is in a state of imbalance – and also setting you with a positive perspective in knowing you can handle this and that it needs you to pay attention and NOT keep running from what is unpleasant or has added up over the years.
The challenges that are here deal with ways you have allowed others to guide you and lead you into their idea on things. And what it did is that it got you going superficial with what really matters and is the depth of the material. This time is to wake you up to wanting to really put in the work and know things like the back of your hands. But to also honor the cycles, the signs and the patterns that indicate where you are on the circle of life. We are students when we need to be -- and gates open and elevate us when it is time to teach.
Your energy is growing wiser with true body wisdom that isn’t running on old world timing. You also will be looking at the ways you self-medicate or have patterns that were put into place in order to adapt with the old-world ways you have been trying to keep up with. You will face things that need you applying a new habit that is about movement and going into a new view on things. So expect to let many things go that were wired into you when you followed the pack and trusted that others were the authorities over you.
Your throat will be growing stronger, and you will know it's time to step forward with more power and authority. But you are to discover the magic that moves things while searching for it in a deep cave of the mystery. Make this your next 2 year focus where you understand that darkness proceeds a brand new light coming into your life. This is to get you seeing that you do have what it takes – and also that rewards come when you trust this process and go into surgery to fix what was broken about what you believed to be. No more looking away or putting things in the closets. This is about opening the bills when they come and dealing with things like you are a ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
The next two years are going to bring many changes to your relationships and to where people are sitting at the table of your life. There is so much that is going to be unearthed from the deepest parts of your being that get you seeing you need something else from life. The next two years are going to put you in positions where you are showing up in a different role where we are describing you in more elevated ways. These changes deal with you recognizing the shifting of patterns and cycles playing out that get you discovering different sides of your truth.
The work that will be taking place deals with a lot of things that will confuse you because you don't know which direction to shoot your arrow -- but understand this energy has you facing dark caves and looking into the mystery because there are things for you to discover where you have sacrificed life because you've been chasing the preferences of others. This deals with old storylines and programming that got you believing some certain thing has to be. As you are provoked to look within and be with the confusion of life, you will discover that you want different things, and that where life is cold and flat, you are going to make changes that deal with you rebuilding things where now you are expecting to be living a life of passion.
This energy makes me think of going through death or loss and how that is the very thing that inspires you to live more then you were doing before things were taken away. It's where we dip so far down into low that we decide to make more of each minute we have. You will be thinking about your moments, about the days, about how much time has passed and how much more you're going to want to do with what time you do still have left. Also expect that friends become more important, and you are growing because of what they bring. They will offer support to get you shifting into this new pattern or role where you’re going next level with a long held dream. Others will help move you along and continue with what IS a leap of faith and something that has many sides to it or that affects many people.
You will be working on a big career dream over the next 2 years that deals with you aligning with your soul’s purpose work or really finding a daily grind that makes you happy. From ways you face the challenges, and don’t just follow along because it's easier to, you will get opportunities that show you CAN trust your feelings and that the Great Mystery is orchestrating something perfectly. This energy wants you excepting that change is to be embraced and that all fractured spaces can be brought to some sort of healing space with love and compassion. For this reason, you will be in things that feel like you are tangled, and it's on you to unravel what you committed to, to honor the aging process and the healing work done, and face how life is changing you.
This can also ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
This will feel like a revolutionary time when you are finally putting things into a better position so that there is room to grow. You will be bitten by a bug that gets you focusing into your body and into the ways it is telling you things. If you have been feeling glass half empty, you are to look around and see what fills you up that leaves you feeling that way. This time is when things weigh heavier in regard to what you need to keep and what you need to send off to others to be enjoyed in another time and space.
This energy can get you really fired up in wanting to correct and bring healing. This strong sense comes because you are being activated in the ways of a nurse who jumps into action when there is imbalance. As your senses widen, your arms will reach. There is massive movement around you taking care of things and valuing that self-care leads the way for a strong voice. And your voice is going to be reaching out more to friends and to ideas of community that are working to make a difference.
Something in you is changing what attracts to you and it brings these signs that there is a pathway up ahead to embrace as offering the new space to show yourself in a different role. These times like now, and your next 2 years are huge cycle changes where you are turning a leaf and discovering new parts of yourself that have dreams for other things. This also is when you will be starting something that will take a while to develop, such as when we apprentice while learning a trade. It's when we have this big future idea in front of us, but we also have a million steps in between.
For this reason, honor that there is a lot of change and many twists and turns and nothing that's a really clear path for a while because being in the apprentice space means that there is a lot to learn before you are getting to being seen as an authority who knows what they're talking about. Or, as a person who isn’t just talking things but backing the ideas with action. And in this process, there are ways that you are transforming and rising out of illusion in regard to what your role is for others and with how you want people to see you. It also says that people around you are going through transformation, and this too is unearthing volcanoes that are creating a whole bunch of emotions being experienced by all.
Understand that the energies are working to bring you into the compassionate surrendering space of accepting that we're always moving and growing and becoming and discovering. Life is something that is like being on a river, and it really is something that changes, and it changes us. Whenever we go through death we grow a deeper compassion to living life, but we also all change. Death changes us. Transformation changes us. And you're in a cycle change where you are going to be reaching for a lot more and expecting that there is unlimited potential and that things are being ...YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
This energy is going to have you waking up to your love nature and to the energy that comes when you have a baby or fall in love or come up with the best idea that gets you feeling life on this totally different vibration. The focus of your next two years will be on you feeling more like a peacock and ready for something where you're giving this your all and seeing that there were more exciting adventures to believe in. This will be a time when your heart is to be jumpstarted where something comes as a return as suddenly a gateway will open, and the timing will now align you with friends or situations that move your dreams forward.
This will be when you really get into the creative aspects of your personality and find that others are in alignment with you. It's also to be a time that people really see you, and they shine the light on you so that you reach for more things. This will mean opportunities will come to help get the message out about what you love to do, or in some way people will show up and they get you believing in your gifts. Expect to feel that you are supported and that this change really does get you showing new sides of yourself.
And actually. There is a lot of energy in the area of your life where you are discovering deep wisdom through understanding the darkness and the light or the yin and yang and how we grow stronger as we get older and more confident of all the sides we express. But there will be polarities and changes with puzzle pieces from you owning that you deserve to be happy and that you ARE important enough to be speaking clearly about how you would like life to look for you. And not that you have to just take what is there and accept that things are good enough. This new energy wakes you up to seeing that you ARE a leader and an influencer of other people living their dreams. And you ARE to be someone who takes risks of the heart and who does things where you just FEEL this is your thing and you have to invest in it. So, expect that fires growing in your heart means there is something you need to believe in with this new idea of yours.
You are learning to not worry so much and to not think negatively when facing the details that seem tangled or built in cement from older ideas or ways you believed life should be lived. You are facing the ways that others have influenced you to believe your potential can be in regard to really feeling like you're living your purpose. This can be an area where you're drawing boundaries and standing firm in the rebuild of getting all the steps how you want them to be – and not just how others think they should be. It can be where you are breaking rules to do things your way and this will require discipline to keep with ...YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
This moment marks a brand new cycle into your life that deals with changes around needing more stability and something to hold you where there is room to grow. Something will come out of the blue that gets you wanting to start over -- and it also will fill you with a lot of emotion. You can be thinking about safety and not really knowing what you can believe in or what you can trust to be true.
This energy can sort of sideswipe you and get you looking out at life from another side of things. This one manifests in real strong ways, and it deals with transformation around love or a creative project or your kids. Something is coming alive but there is change in the variety of what comes for you. This will hit the spectrum from dream come true to worst nightmare. There is illusion around others and how they are changing your feelings on issues around your home and family. You may even be curled into yourself and focused on healing and understanding around what lands in your life.
This process for many can feel like an undoing or when they can't see straight. But understand this is you changing a path that you thought was your destined path but now it is stopping you because it would have stopped you in worse ways in your future. You have to trust what rumbles around your foundation and gets you walking a little wobbly. If you are being stopped, you just need to rethink the plans you DID have for your next steps. It is because this is a monumental reboot session for Virgo where they are designing a new home essence and way to feel supported and cared for in the world. Others are getting you to change your ideas, and for many it can feel like some strike from far away brings things real down to Earth with a thud that brings consciousness around the need to make changes with the kind of support you have in place.
For others, something reaches out and connects what you want to do to educate and inform, and it will bring an opportunity to feel held by something that shares your messages far and wide. Many of you will see the next 2 years giving birth to what you have always wanted to see be a part of your life. This moment and how it hits you lets you know how far you are from your new journey. If things fall away now, they were NOT going to feed your future dreams. If they suddenly show up out of the blue, even as a return or a 2nd time around, this IS a component of your future life that needs you letting go and seeing for big changes around where you live and where you position yourself so that you are safe to dream wildly and to not feel restricted by fear or limitation or scarcity or things that get you short sighted about the potential of things.
This energy has a lot of provocation to ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
This solar eclipse is going to definitely bring something your way that you weren't expecting that really hits you to the core. You may see things around you that are opening your mind or helping you understand what you have been worried about or tossing over in your mind where you have been devaluing yourself and feeling not so pumped up about your choices. This next two years is to be when something rolls you into the realization that you have to follow your dreams and you have to keep putting energy into creative projects or ways that you want to express the depth of your soul.
This energy feels like the stuff that moves artists to come up with their greatest ideas. It's when life can be giving you a lot that makes you feel things that you would normally just want to hide and not face. You may not know it, and there are levels to how this energy is to strike at you, but it is going to bring you into a more powerful position on why you are here and what you want to do with the time you still have. It will grab you by the collar and get you seeing that something needs to change about the way you give of yourself and share of your power. It can pull you into a deep cave and get you seriously in touch with how complex life is and how we really never know what to expect. For that reason, we have to just hope for the best and stay in compassion when storms come to deliver us things that we never could have imagined. This energy is coming to get you rebooting and starting over WHERE and HOW you live in life. It can bring a change where your value system now knows you need something better, and you need more support and care to hold you.
You or others will be drawing boundaries, and this can create movement with partnerships or ways you are entwined with others. A lot of this feels out of the blue and not what could be expected, so you just need to stay open to how other things come in to change your view on life. You will be changed, and it will bring you to a level you need to now be. This is to get you redesigning a lot that you thought was the path for you. Surrender and honor that a higher force controls things and that you are being brought together with others for some new chapter that will be taking over in the next 6 months. You thought one thing, but now you will see that something else dominates the flow and it is time to go. There may even be something like waters that move you along and get you to this other position that WILL hold you better. You are coming upon a cycle change, and you should feel it in your bones right now.
Over the next 2 years you will be starting over with your foundation and with the structure of what holds the ideas you are thinking about now. You will ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
Oh yes! This is a great solar eclipse for you because it's going to get you thinking about life in a totally different way in regard to what you can be and what you can do with your creative gifts. Over the next two years you will see yourself making a change and traveling a new path where you will be sharing more of your natural gifts and will be moving into a more balanced space with your energy.
This is actually to be when you really do get a grip on life and how things run in the Universe. Things are going to come at you from others that are going to be the catalyst for you starting over with a new way to support yourself or own the value in who you really are. So, that means you need to expect the unexpected from the people you count on but to also understand that they are bringing you to needing to see another side where you are using your throat to express what is valuable to you. Things may shock you to get you to grow, but no matter what, you're growing something new and when you really drop into the reality of this and face what you need to see, you're going to be thriving with new ideas and ways to move your life into a better position.
You are going to be actively moving things and will be assertive in what you want to change. There are a lot of signs that you're going to have to go back and rebuild a lot of what seemed like it was absolutely a sure thing. You may have bet on something being a given, and it surprises you by not going your way. Just don’t get too stuck on interpretations because this time is getting you to be solid in your truth, but to always know your truth is upgrading as you go! So, it may have been a yes back then but it is a no now because it wasn’t to be a yes long-term. This time is going to show that you have little control, but you do have a lot that is being inspired from what shoots your way.
You may have others around you who are hearing of news that affects their stability. Be with positive thoughts that bones can heal and zero always wakes up our hero. It is NOT bad to lose things that have us losing what we count on to support us. But they do inspire us to go for what is really valuable about life and to build something sure when we do get time to grow again. We need to empty the bathtub before we put in new suds to soak in. Empty is to be something that inspires you to be even more creative and connected to the depth of what you passionately would love to do.
You may be focused on writing more or doing things that talk about the journey. You may be connecting so much into your soul that you overflow with ways you want to share ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
Happy birthday beautiful Sag! You know how much I LOVE my Sagittarius! This energy is also working to get you seeing that YOU ARE INCREDIBLY VALUABLE – and loved. This next 2 years is when things get louder with signs coming that get you to correct your path and steer your ship with more attention to what feels like this is the direction that is best for you, even if it does move you towards a leadership position where before you were allowing things to just be.
There can be situations coming to shock you awake that will deal with issues with animals or health or the workings of your day to day. It's when a wrench can be thrown into things, I think is what they say, but it's where the systems will start to break if there's something that's not going to hold the life that you are expanding into because of the changes that you will see over the next six months. This is when you go more inward with yourself than you maybe ever have as if you are transitioning into a totally different life cycle like how much we change every 10 years in our lives. We would never guess the way we become in our 40s when we're in our 20s or even our 30s. We have no idea how much information assimilates differently so that we look out at the world in altered ways, and assert ourselves with confidence when before we just wanted to be agreeable and to make others happy -- and to make that our main goal.
There are to be lightning strike moves that get you showing up and asserting towards things that need you owning that you DO deserve to be here and you DO deserve to be treated with care. It may feel like now you are giving yourself permission and will be using your throat to own the brilliance you are thinking and to speak the ways of changes that things need to take. It also can be that exciting opportunities come that affirm your creative gifts and affirm that the slow and steady actually DOES win with the important things.
Something is to show that may bring a change or that may get you thinking scarcity or glass half empty at the mystery of what the answer will be, but understand that this is more of a test to get you waking up to your energy in different ways where you do step into the energy of a nurse who just takes care of what you need to do and who doesn't put too much emotion into the rebuild and recalibration spaces. You are to handle life in bite size pieces and to really keep with writing out lists and having plans where you're seeing that where you are now is not where you're always going to be.
There will be a lot that is unearthed in you over the next two years and this deals with you transforming out of some illusion that deals with your relationship with money or your value or you really believing in what is a natural gift you possess. This energy is to take you into spaces that confused you about your ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
This next 2 years is when you are going to find yourself again and really find home in your organic flow -- with how your body REALLY speaks to you. This new cycle change will begin the redesign of who you were always born to be, but where you did not give yourself permission to grow these certain aspects of your personality. You are going to be finding yourself through understanding how your mind works and how it really is projecting something that you would like to see in your future.
There are ways that you have hidden your truths behind others’ beliefs on how things need to be, and there will be deep connections where you dive into your soul and find home again with the passion to show up as your REAL truth. You are going to unravel and really go into a space of going back in time where you understand the weight of your moves and how they were driven by wounds that got you with scabs that aren’t the real you.
To find the real you, we need to lift the scabs and be triggered by something that gets us to pay attention to this. You may want to retreat and shut it all down – and you do need to make more space where you are embracing the silence and not filling it with old world things that get you focused on how the old world wants you to be. Like with Adderall, it is an adapting agent to the dysfunction of the old world ways. But to be true to you, you don’t need to adapt like that. You need to reject what gets you to be a phony, and to believe more in what honors the journey – even if it requires you get extra rest and downtime. When I was in ascension in my late 20’s, sometimes I couldn’t even move and could hardly pick myself up off the floor. All my joints hurt. I had migraines sometimes 5 times a week. There was so much pain and so little energy to function. But now I feel amazing at 50. Better than ever. So do everything you can to hold hope with whatever leg of the journey you are on, even if it is deep in a cave that gets you uncovering the scabs – because it is getting you back to you – and where you will have a stronger voice in sharing your art or doing things you have always loved to do.
There is a process with the first 6 months of this next 2 years that deals with birthing this new baby. Honor and respect that time. Don’t rush things ever again. You are learning a new tempo. And when you are sitting in a position where you are being seen as important and are doing what you love to do, you will grow bolder in sharing the truths that are deep and mystical and powerful about you.
You ARE to be plunging forward in massive ways where you look different to us because we can tell that you really did walk this journey. We ARE to feel your energy and to feel that you vibe this way because you know what you are preaching and teaching. And actually, teaching or broadcasting is to be a big thing you are moving into where it will be easier for you to share your creative gifts that are authentic and from the depths of your own being. This WILL NOT be about ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
The Solar Eclipse is going to shock your heart alive again where you will notice a shift where suddenly it will feel like you do have a home and you aren’t in these mental spaces where you see how flawed you are. Something in your own eyes is changing and you need to notice this. Notice that before you were finding reason to think you don’t fit in, and now if you don’t fit in, you won't give it a thought because it's like buying clothes in the store, and if they don’t represent your style, you just keep on walking.
Your body is being wired to patiently wait for the amazing things to find you. It will be like someone of privilege who doesn’t give the thought to NOT getting their needs met. They just flow in this higher space where they are wired to expect that they will get more and more – and they do. You are changing to that same view -- and will see that things are coming your way that deal with getting you to rebuild how you feel about things naturally, and not just from a defensive stance from being let down in your past.
Our scabs cover the wounds as they heal, but they are this whole other expression that is not something real about us. We can get used to our scabs and to be these tough cookies who think they have to fight for what we want – or, we can be healed skin that doesn’t even go looking for a fight – that only goes looking for a solution or upgrade or way out to OBVIOUSLY be what is showing up eventually.
Your energy is changing over the next 2 years where you will be owning your power and plowing through in life from the point that knows you deserve to be here. When YOU surrender and show compassion with life, you are showing that you know you have an important role here and will get to the top when the timing is perfect. The old you was chasing after all the fishies, and holding a vibe like you know you don’t belong and you will be lucky to make it through to the top. You have been scarcity bound your whole life! And THAT is coming to an end.
The next few months will be about waking you up to how much more you COULD HAVE, and then going into this process to undo the ways you were plunging forward with old world ideas. Things ARE to rock you from the ground up, and this means there will be sudden tests that get you thinking you aren’t all that stable. You may be thinking of money and your ideas of security and stability and how they hinge on these outside forces. But this energy wants you owning that you GOT IT IN YOU to seal the deal and to do whatever you need to in order to grow a solid foundation that supports you reaching for even more in the world.
Home will be brought into focus and all things that break or shatter were just needing to be upgraded ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
The Solar Eclipse is going to be a dream come true for Pisces because it is when you are to see new sides of your career, and how you want to position yourself as someone who IS a true educator and motivator of new ideas the world needs to know about. You are going to be coming alive and reaching farther than you would have thought of before. Things are to grow and expand and show you that you were just waiting for this moment -- and all the hard work was to get you solid when it really is time to launch and spread your wisdom far and wide. You are going to notice a huge shift because synchronicity is to place you in alignment with people who are here to lend a hand and possibly even give you a leg up where you were struggling in just getting by. Something will reach out to you that wants to help further your dreams and the ways you want to make a difference.
For this reason, be out and about as much as you can schedule over the next 2 months because your connections are there, and you just need to get clear on what you want and what sort of position you want to be sitting in. Your next 2 years are all about expanding your career space and bringing more focus to what you can do with your natural gifts so that others can benefit from you.
Things are about being BECAUSE OF YOU – and this will motivate you to keep on delivering and to really awaken to a new flow where you trust that your needs will be provided for and that others ARE ready for what you bring. Things are to change so quickly, and you also are moving into a long period where you will have more control over what you can do in life. Often, we spend periods where we are trapped in a certain cycle and can't move forward – but it's also a cradled space where we are held in the design of the moment, that has a plan of its own.
But now you are out of that and will shift into a wide open space where you get to be creative and really see that what you are thinking is what is manifesting for you. It will put you into a new power where there will be more hope about how you can get higher up this mountain and into a position where you are valued for the creative gifts you bring. This is about writing projects, classes, speaking in front of groups, and really launching your wisdom in whatever way is your true gift to give. This is about you not fronting as what you think you need to be to fit into the old world flow, but rather, designing a new flow for everyone else to follow. That means you are only going to give what is in your heart to express and what really feels like it is your forte and your authority to give.
Your originality will be called forth and all the tools ... YOU just read about 1/3 of the full reading! Get the latest Moon Vibe Guide to read the extended reading AND get the daily collective readings until December 17th!
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