Your FULL MOON weekly readings are ready to support you! We are changing our Full & New Moon Guides to be WEEKLY focused with a general reading per sign, from below, and daily per sign readings to keep you in the know of how and when things change for you each week! These will support you more than just giving you a twice a month reading per sign! This is packed with supportive insight to keep you safe and aligned over the next 7 days! See you in a week with the PULL BACK TO PROCESS readings!
ARIES: This is going to be a wild Full Moon for you that may hit you to the core and have you feeling a bit unsettled. Something about YOU needs to change and OTHERS will be mirroring what you need to see. Expect to be called out or to have to confront the feelings of others. BUT. This is all a test to see how you respond and if you go back into old wound reactions that have NOT gotten you the results you seek. The point is that you are to process something different so that you work for peace and start over in some way in how you handle people who challenge you. This is when we are to see a whole other Aries and you stepping into a new role that WILL feel good to your soul. You don’t have to fight to get your way. You need to be love and to seek for harmony – and things WILL work out. You also are in a space where things are changing from you valuing yourself and starting over in how you share your gifts with the world. Something is causing you strong emotions on the home front, and it can be bringing up childhood wounds along with current relationship connections that … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
TAURUS: This is when you are to shut down a bit and really go inward to focus on ways that you are not able to speak your truth and be who you want to be. You will be aware of how others have influenced you to follow along and be good. But this energy wants you owning that you are MAGNIFICENT and the MOST special -- and there is something inside of you that is NOT what we currently see. This time is to be introspective, so give yourself space to take a break, but do face what is on your mind and what memories are coming to the surface. You may feel low and like you are in a clash with how you want to be, but this is just getting you to really get up and make this next solar year the one where you really bring the truth and start walking with more authenticity. You are a volcano rising but you haven’t reached the surface yet. You are just feeling mysterious things in your body that let you know change is on your horizon. BE STOKED. I only see good things. It is just that in some way you need to get out of your way and start … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
GEMINI: This is when you are to feel a bit sensitive in areas that need you to see how important you ARE. You may feel like others don’t see you for how you want to be seen or they in some way make you feel like you can't share your truth. Just be in this curious and insecure space and see how it gets you to NOT needing so much attention from others when you DO THINGS with love in your heart in the creation space. What is to flip is that you aren’t looking out so much for confirmation, but rather are sharing your soul true and just believing that you have a place in the world. You are to be the rare artist who breaks all the rules and creates their own ideas on how we all should be. You are to be thinking about putting your heart into things that will have you making a difference and stepping into what is your creative gift and something you love to do. You WILL be taking a risk of the heart and it can bring you out of your comfort zone, for sure, but DO IT. Something needs you showing what you got and in a unique … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
CANCER: This is going to be a time when you are really thinking about how you fit into the world and what you would love to do that brings more beauty into the lives of others. This is when you are to be moving or transitioning into a new space or new cycle in life. You are to understand that you are NOT too far gone or too old or anything that speaks of missing any boats. You are now able to have more control in asserting your ideas forward and seeing that you are catching what you dream for. But you also need to go through a transformation where you lose the idea of binary positions or glass ceilings sayings something can't be done. You are to stand against others who think this idea is a no and you are to keep with seeing ways you can offer more support and do things on your terms. Like, what sort of schedule would feel good to your body and what is coming back to you from times past that NOW feels like the best idea. There is to be a rebirth of how you function with your career, and the steps are coming to your … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
LEO: There is a new work of art in you that is waiting to come to the surface and set your spirit free! You are to assert and see yourself taking a leap of faith into something that has not yet manifested. You are to be writing up the plans and working with projects that you want to get out into the world. This is a great time to travel in order to discover inspiration about what you would ultimately love to do. You may be thinking about someone who is away from you, and it can have you wanting to express and bring things closer. This energy wants you transforming how your mind works when you are manifesting things that do not have proof just yet. It is about great ideas, but not really knowing that they will be great. It’s that you FEEL they will or FEEL there is something there for you. You ARE both risking it all AND trusting with deep faith that things will work out. This IS where you are to be! If you don’t have those elements, you aren’t yet ready to leap into this dream. So wait for it. But when it is time to go, you will know this is YOUR … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
VIRGO: This is when you are to really feel things in a deeper way because there are wounds and patterns around your wound reactions that need to learn a better way of expression. You may be facing how your addictions or habits are hurting your life, but you also will see where they came from and WHY you took on things to self-medicate or soothe your way. You will face how you haven’t felt valued or aren’t feeling like you are an authority. You can really doubt yourself, but you need to see that this is a healing journey that is just working on clearing avenues that got you confused about your place in the world. It’s like wires that got crossed. You will be taken into a cave experience where you will see things that you may have wanted to keep hidden. Be in this space and see that you can diagnose things so that you can have more freedom in your life. From this darker environment, you also are to awaken to ways to use your creative gifts and to handle money in a new way. Inspiration WILL grow from what feels like the compost of past experiences. And 100% you are to walk out … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
LIBRA: This is to be when you really start to step into a new role where you are rising above how you used to be. It means you are to be in relationships with others where you have a strong voice in declaring your needs, but where you ARE coming through clear about how you believe things need to be. You are to step away from old roles that have you quiet and obedient, and step into new ones where you really talk about how things make you feel. You are desiring to be seen in a new way where people really know what they are in store for. It means you don’t want to give off one energy but hold another deep inside. You want to feel one way on the inside and to show that same thing. This means you WILL be getting tons off your shoulders and will want to assert towards keeping your heart on your sleeve and the truth rising. You also may feel like too many people are influencing you and you just want others to deal with their own things. Don’t try to be in control of others but DO show yourself with strong boundaries. You don’t have to … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
SCORPIO: This is going to be when you really step into this soul searching space where your feelings are heightened as they guide you to make changes with your day to day world. It will be when things stop working and what you thought you could count on is not really showing up as consistent. There may be concerns with your pets or with machinery or electrical things. There are cracks in the processes because a whole other way of being is about to be put into action and it will change the kind of role you want to show up as for the world. When things start to crack, you can always plan on the light coming in to show you a new way. It is never to be seen in the negative, because the challenges and the things that get us to go glass half empty are there to test if we WILL go so dark in how we process what this could mean. Expect to be diagnosing things, but also to be using other parts of your being, where you feel things more and aren’t so quick to judgment or to push YOURSELF into the gutter. Miscommunications are always … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
SAGITTARIUS: This is going to be a time where you are either REALLY feeling seen and are going a level deeper in how you want to make a difference in the world. OR, the exact opposite! You may feel invisible and insecure because you don’t know why you are here, and you have some strong need to get to the bottom of things. You want proof and you want to know that you are valued for what you are here to bring. You should be extra emotional and noticing that things are bothering you when before they weren’t. This sensitive time is to get you seeing how you have been sitting on a 3-legged chair in regard to choices you have made, and as you realize that you have every right to thrive with what you are to bring to others, it makes sense that you are feeling loud about things. It is expected that your heart is talking and realizing you need more joy in your day to day. There also will be the element of something returning and you getting a second chance to love on it. Expect friends to come back into your life or old creative ideas to flourish. This is also when people… GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
CAPRICORN: This is to when you will be focused on creating a healthy balance in your life with your work and home. It is when you really start thinking about what would feel best to your body and how you really would like to be walking this role. Like, if you don’t like waking up early or keeping with schedules, then working as a grade school classroom teacher may not be your thing. But for some people, they thrive in that structure, and they really do want to be living in those defined ways. This time does not want you compromising in what you give through your career -- and in the ways it embodies a certain role that others see you holding. You are to be thinking of the big picture but also where you are seeing that you have every right to thrive and to be grounded with safety and security. And you have to let go of the status quo and all things binary and might makes right being what controls how you choose for things. You will find what you need through feeling how things feel in your body. There will be confusion that gets you wondering, but all you need to know is that … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
AQUARIUS: This is going to be a great Full Moon for you where you really let go of the indecision around how to get your ideas out there far and wide. It is when you are to focus on your creativity and projects and messages you want to share with the world. This is going to bring a huge shift to your life where you finally see to the other side or come to some understanding that allows you to move forward in a better way. Expect to take some leap of faith where you are trusting that it all will work out. This is right on schedule! So you all need to be reaching for something that is not yet there, but that inside feels like it is your thing. Also, it's time to grow. So expect that things are asking you to do more or to go farther than you have been before. Take what you created and give it wings to fly through believing that THIS IS YOUR TIME. Do NOT get confused to the point you don’t move. That is your test. Yes, things may not work out as planned, but you are to hope that no matter, they work out BETTER. Your energy is steering things right now and we just want to … GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!
PISCES: This is to be one of your best Full Moons of the year! This is when you really start to create new plans around what will hold you safe and be what is sustainable in your life. This is when your creativity is going to get UP and get GOING -- and it will deal with you tuning into what are your natural gifts or what you most love to do. Expect to make changes around how you have been doing something because of others and how they are influencing you. This time is to get you standing up for your dreams and NOT following along. It IS to be when you question if your needs are being met and if others are silencing how you really want things to be. So expect to be working with others where you are standing strong in allowing your voice to decide how things will be done. This is when you are to NOT give in because you don’t want to upset another. It is when you have to possibly even go out on the edge and believe in yourself because of what you are feeling and how it is getting you to go deep on WHAT THIS MEANS. This is also when you are to… GET THE Moon Phase Weekly Horoscopes to continue reading and to read how the rest of the week will go for you! See when things will change!