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Toxins out & Quiet Mind records in...


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Those voices inside wont subside until you face them and show them a better way to be.

It's time to do better.

There is a new way to help you heal your wounds

and correct where you are fractured so that you can ACTUALLY DO BETTER.

It's called BEA Now.

It's a special healing energy that defies time or space.

It's the ultimate love and it works on you to get you remembering

that YOU ARE the ultimate love, too.

Let's get you feeling better!

Where to start?

If you feel you were killed in past lives because of your alternative ways, begin with THE FIRST SESSION.

Otherwise, any of the programmed sessions are available

-- but my suggestion is QUIET & CALM MIND.

This is what 99% of you need.

Your mind creates your reality.

This session clears the slate and brings love to the way it feels in your mind instead of hate.

Great to listen to before bed!

the BEA now program

Step #1

First, we get you into a group programmed session that is programmed TO YOU.

We just need birth data and a picture, and the same magic that happens in a scheduled 1:1 happens FOR YOU in your group recording!

This is the next level.

Healing on YOUR terms and when YOU need it.

Find a session





Here we have the daily support meditations that KEEP YOU WITH THE HEALING.

This is your coach or therapist in a meditation where you are clearly guided and supported towards the goal. Each meditation provides BEA healing energies and words to lift you strong through ascension and beyond.

Find your medicine!



THEN, you begin to feel changes with how you respond and how quickly you recover.

What happens with BEA energies is that old parts of you fall away in order to waken you to the truth of who you are.

You KNOW you are here to do something important. I only attract the people who are here now to bring in the New Era of Love. But the journey towards this high vibrating space can be brutal, and LONG, and always challenging us to believe in ourselves and not give up.

BEA Now makes the journey BETTER. QUICKER. HAPPIER. And where we really learn to trust and surrender. We find home in the world when we have BEA energies in our body.

The BEA Now collection