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Article: Solar Eclipse in Taurus READINGS per sign

Solar Eclipse in Taurus READINGS per sign

GENERAL READING: Be aware that this is PART ONE of 3 readings that will describe your next 6 month themes. We want to pay attention to the Eclipse Season because it guides us into higher level teachings that are like getting routine work done in order to keep the system running in its best. We need to be in sync with where our routine work is being done. This is what first needs to GROW and be a new plan or plant you initiate at this time.

We have forces coming in to help us get out of stuck positions that we devalued ourselves into. Because we have followed along and not used our voice to be clear on what FEELS BEST TO US, we said yes to what now needs us digging our way out of. The process is slow, and it will need you putting yourself first and really listening to your heart about how things make you feel.

We are to put plans to feelings and our heart on the sleeve in going for what moves us away from what feels rotten. Things have a timing to them that go from abundant to worn down. Lightbulbs work until they have nothing more to give to you. And then they don’t serve a purpose, so you replace them and move on. Face what is rotten, and on the way out, with love as you remember that it WAS good for and to you at some time.

It's important that we connect into what we have around us so that that get clear on deciding WHAT stays and what now must go so as to bring about a new crop of a life where our feelings decide on what grows. Expect to come a bit out of the shadows this next 6 months where you really speak your art and focus more on working with your creative gifts and natural abilities in order to sustain yourself in grounded and upgraded ways. There is a rising truth coming from you that needs to be set free to BE the peacock of your dreams.

THIS Solar Eclipse starts the new story and is to be when you first write out the plans for how much joy you are about to work patiently for.




This Solar Eclipse is to awaken a new value system where you will be WAY more patient as you feel out what your body or intuition guides you to do. You are to be finding new ways to connect into meditation or spaces where you get out into nature and just allow the signs to lead your way. Something will break apart and move out of a fixed position because of other things you are feeling called to join into. This means you will have new dreams and desires that now will be put into a plan where you work from a new plot of land that supports you being more creative and sticking with what your heart inspires you to do. You WILL be using your throat more or sharing creative ideas as a way to support yourself. Be aware that you are going to be rewired so that you look into the mystery more to trust that things will work out in the long run. It means you have to be like a child who just sits there and believes they can have it all.

You are learning how to operate where you patiently create higher class situations THROUGH looking with eyes that are more in tune to what is happening on the inside rather than with what is happening on the outside. It’s where you are to have stronger nighttime dreams and visions that show you there is another plan and way you could live that would give you more time to be creative and hooked into only doing what you love to do. BUT – to get to this sweet space, you have to go back to the basics in facing what is in your soil and what needs you standing up and declaring for better standards of living.

From what you feel inside you will look at what is outside and will feel strong ways you want to grow something that values you more. Expect to see ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This is YOUR Solar Eclipse, and it is when you will be making sudden changes that go against how others USUALLY see you. The next 6 months are about getting you to change your focus so that you step more into showing yourself in ways where you come out of the shadows and clearly express how you feel about things. You may feel like you are waking out of a spell where you finally now have the solution or connection that gets you to seeing how little value you held for yourself in your past that got you following along and learning to not make a stink because of the disruptions it could create.

Ways you were warped by others in how you share your truth, are going to be falling back into a natural order where you will be able to start over in what sort of supportive space you can create. You are being asked to put pride in your foundation and to expect more than you have been getting. Changes are coming to get you grounded in something that allows you to do more in the world and to have more time to focus on making a difference. But it will be YOU putting you first and allowing your feelings to be the one choosing.

Expect to come outside of the lines OFTEN in the next 6 months where you finally say no to all the things that are so-so and see that you deserve to have more love in your life that is connected to the energy that empowers you to wanting to step up and share your innermost creative ways and ideas with the world. You need ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is going to get you finding home again with yourself and with how your system COULD run. You are going to feel like things stop, and the way seems blocked when before you were able to keep things going. This is to be a big 6 months of seeing that the old ways no longer work and that a new flow is in town that needs you pulling back more before you just automatically move forward.

Your feelings ARE going to grow stronger and at times they will overwhelm you because you’ve never felt such confusing things before. You can be fixated into something that is not here yet and that is at a distance, and this can be a source of the heightened feelings. It can have you wanting to take a leap of faith and follow where your heart does inspire you to go. But this time is about moving through the illusion that you feel is written in stone as you create a new path that values your feelings over the ways you have been programmed to think.

You are going to be VERY creatively inspired as you process these deep emotions – and this is a part of the plan! You may feel claustrophobic as to how to change and where to go from here – but through creativity you will transmute the energy into movement in a new direction. So, all the uncomfortable feels are to be embraced as a blessing because they are getting you to show yourself more and to stop hiding because other dominating forces want you to just fall in line. You are going to come alive again AFTER finding ways to not see yourself as a victim, and to have more compassion for the meandering road up the mountain. You are to go through ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is going to take you to greater heights and really hook you into the group aspect as you will want to make impacts around coming together. You are going to connect into things that get you wanting to live through your creative gifts and to see for ways that will sustain and support you. This energy has flashes of lightning that come over and over as they get you to open to new spaces that before you didn’t even know were there or didn’t think were possible.

This time wants you valuing your place in the world and asserting in a new way through using your voice and talking about things that are exciting to you. This energy grows from what slams you awake, so be curious as new doorways appear that invite you to open your mind to a new view. You also will be thinking about people who are far away from you, and they are somehow getting you to dream for more and to want to step into these new lands.

There will be provocation from what is old world or debt related and this needs you allowing the push to get you to move in better ways as you draw boundaries around how you need things to be. You MAY have kept quiet in your past, but this time pushes you to speak up and to value yourself more in not just taking things and allowing them to be. Whatever comes as friction or a block on your path is to be seen as a blessing that is to inspire you into believing in a solution -- no matter what. If you get fired, you are ONLY to see that you DO have a home in the world and that some ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This eclipse says that your career is going to be very important to you over the next 6 months as you will be discovering changes you want to make to what you thought you would be doing in your past. Much is to reveal that deals with how you have followed along and did what others before you have done. Something about your path will be changing because YOU will be finding a new truth, a new passion, and a new power that fuels you to want to go next level and use your voice in different ways. The thing is, what rising out of you is to be like a volcano that doesn’t give a lot of warnings as to what is about to happen.

So, expect strong emotions to pull at you or to be on your mind when otherwise you would be able to let this go and move on. Now things are anchoring in you SO THAT you face them and do something to bring your voice to situations that now need you drawing boundaries and declaring for a better way. You may be breaking contracts or changing terms because of what is coming from the depths and getting you to chirp about this – like with a smoke alarm battery that is going bad. You too will hear things nudging at you and provoking you to stand up for yourself and do something that brings about change.

This also may deal with things unrequited or with death or debt. Just be with the feelings but also know that you are to be changing a pattern that no longer feeds you. So don’t get down on facing the darkness or complexity of fixing broken systems. See that your way is the best way, and you ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is going to bring TONS of change that deals with inspiring you to take a leap of faith into a new path that now feels like it is calling to you. Expect the unexpected and be open for the perfect solution to drop into your consciousness when you are in meditation or out in nature or on vacation. You are being asked to do what you wouldn’t normally do and to go where you wouldn’t normally go. This time wants you taking risks where something inside of you is trying to get you to make this change.

You also may be working on projects or ideas that you want to see grow out in the world. This is when you are to be serious about your soul’s purpose work but to come at it from a new perspective where you are really following something that feels like you were born to do this. You may even let go of old paths or ways of seeing your future that you now see keep you anchored and unable to fly free. Your feelings are growing stronger as they are showing up as a guide that you need to listen to.

The changes of your path deal with you stepping up and sharing what you know, but not from any position that you THOUGHT you would take. Stay open to what comes to surprise you but DO STAY with positive visions on how great things are going to end up. It’s important that you are taking a risk of your heart where you follow what feels best, but where you also surrender and hope that this IS something important and you WILL be protected. Don’t go creating the fears in your mind that others planted or that deal with what you have seen in your past. It's important that ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is to get you going deep into your psychological nature to discover where you are needing to let some things go that are keeping you seeing for the negatives in life. There will be pressure and you may want to try to escape from it or self-medicate, but truly you just need to pretend like you are going to the doctor and all the answers and solutions are on the way. It's important that you are open to seeing things that WILL make connections that help you return into an aspect of your past.

There are relationship situations and stories that went down that now need you being clear and full of integrity in how you move through the healing process. You are to make shifts that get you seeing for glass half full and that there IS something out there that will fix this and get it back into a balanced state. You are to be serious about what returns that has hit your love nature and gotten you feeling insecure. Now you are to bring voice to your feelings and to not let other things dominate you into silence or escape mode. Your throat needs to get messages across, and what is heavy, needs to be lifted even if it has the flow and feel of a volcano. Use that image to allow your things held deeply in shame, blame and guilt, to rise to the surface to be transformed into something more powerful and strong FROM the journey that now releases. You ARE changing your tune and it comes from what heals back into another form at this time.

This time is to get you waking up to your value around the wealth of wisdom that you are when it comes to wanting to assist or serve others in ways that  ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is coming at you with a force that is getting you to reconsider your roles in life and with what sort of dreams you give your energy. Things are to provoke you from your roots so that you make shifts and come out of your comfort zone to proclaim your heart or share your upgraded art. But something that squeezes you from another wanting to make changes, or speaking up about their truth, is to be what births this new side of you or desire to do what was being restricted or held back in scarcity.

This also speaks about a new day where you are getting serious about something you love to do and will have plans on getting this to be the world that you see. Be focused over the next 6 months in drawing out these new plans for how others will interpret you and share yourself or be more vocal about your creative gifts. It’s important that you are asserting with wanting to show your creations in a new way that is about having your heart on your sleeve or really being honest about what you love to do.

If you are feeling insecure and not able to connect the dots that get you seeing how to express your new role, just be in the roots of your life and learn from what is shocking you into a new image. This means you may be in healing or will be waking up to how you want to show yourself to the world. It could be that others bounce you around with their changes and it forces you to adapt into something that speaks up in new ways. Things can feel positive, negative AND deeply in limbo, but just believe in yourself and speak from your heart because it somehow is   ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This eclipse is going to feel pretty intense in that there will be so much to deal with and so much that is moving around and getting you to see for new ways you want to be. This time wants you seeing for the future and staying positive as you work through the heavy loads on your plate, but where you are coming at life from a different perspective. You are to face that healing needs to take place and that these other things can’t stay hidden any longer.

There are fears around feeling inadequate or not good enough with your soul’s purpose work and you are to process these thoughts in brand new ways where you give them wings to fly into a better manifestation. Stop chasing your fears and stop allowing your mind to go negative into thinking out all that can go wrong. It's time to create new levels of stability in your work scene or your day to day THROUGH KNOWING that you are going somewhere and that this venture and leap into new areas WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY.

It's important that you work harder and discipline yourself to staying focused on the steps up the mountain but with mental patterns that lean towards success and all things going beyond your wildest dreams. You are to lean into your creative ways and how you want to be seen as important from what you love to do. You are to keep at rolling the balls forward and not getting worked up in any way from not seeing certain expected things within linear timelines. You are to apprentice with your dreams and to know that you got to stay in it to win it.

Your old ways of cutting yourself down and not really using your voice to be proud of your efforts ARE to ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is to unlock the door into you valuing your creative ways and things that need you showing up like a proud peacock. You are being asked to let go of the ways you stay hidden because you don’t feel that you offer enough value. This time is to send you on a 6 month journey into finding ways to express and make known all the things about you that you have kept hidden.

This means power is to rise and new sides of your personality are to step into the limelight. You are to give yourself permission to go for more and to seek for love in all that you do. This is about changing patterns that have gotten you to chase what others wanted you to reinforce. So, parts of you are on automatic and they ARE seeing that you DON’T have a place in the world to share what you would love to do. You are to dive deeply into what comes natural to you and let go of trying to fit in when really you just need to give space to the unique things that you do. If you give them attention, they will give you sudden insight into brilliant ideas about how to bring them to manifestation. You are to take magical things and grow them from you seeing that you deserve to live a luxurious and supportive life where others know your name.

You are to dive into ways you use your words to stop yourself from dreaming of wilder things. Within the structure of your wording, you are to discover where you have been holding yourself back from imagining change that could take you to better levels. All this scarcity talk is because you don’t really ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse is going to reboot you into plans for new ways for life to support and hold you. You will be moving into different spaces as your feelings are guiding you to close doors in regard to things that don’t value you and give you all that they can give you. You will be upping your game in knowing that you deserve these creature comforts and that you can invest in a better day. EXPECT to have to speak up and be clear with your needs around your home or with something in your foundation that is changing because YOU are changing.

You also may be thinking of your creative gifts more and will want to start over in doing what you love to do but from the perspective of abundance and playing with the art of dreaming for more, instead of staying focused into scarcity and all the ways you need to compromise and NOT get what you really need. It's time to reboot you into a new role where you expect things to go your way and are on the wait for others to see you as important. You are growing new crops that are to get you building security so that you can let go more and play, play, play with your creative ways. I keep seeing the word play. There is something important with you not following along how others think you need to stay driven at all hours towards accomplishing some goal, and rather, you need to be more of an artist and live in the organic flows of how you feel driven to express your creative ideas. This IS a fork in the road where there is the option to accept less than and to live with the struggles they force you to walk through, OR, to ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.


This Solar Eclipse unlocks the door into you valuing your words and creations that are a part of who you really are. You are to find home again in the magic that you are here to share, and to unleash it in a way that is about you FULLY stepping into the confidence that this IS your soul’s purpose path, and it IS time to honor each moment you have so that you don’t allow the opportunities to pass you by. This is when you are to wake with a thud that gets you paying attention to what you can do to step up and be more authentic about who you are and what you naturally do that deals with you coming from the shadows -- and being brave as you do it.

For this reason, expect that you are coming out of your comfort zone to deliver what is deep in your soul, and expect that it is an area that HAS felt stuck or held back in some way. This may deal with you deep in miscommunications with others where the throat has not been used and it’s led to confusion about what is really going on. Do what you can to trust that ghosting is just a part of life and that if there really is a connection, we return when we have the energy to be there for others again. Ghosting doesn’t have to be the end unless there really WASN’T a connection.

Trust this aspect of life and don’t hold yourself back because you are not there for everyone right now – or others are not there for you. Allow a new story to play out about how we all need to heal and be in retreat until we are ready to be there for everything. This time will bring a lot of change into your life where you thought things were blocked and now ... CONTINUED in the Moon Vibe Guide! Get the extended Solar Eclipse readings, Mercury Retrograde readings and collective daily readings through May 14! GET THE GUIDE NOW and KNOW what is on the way.

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