THURSDAY 24 November
OKAY THEN! Today feels totally different to me and it feels like spring arriving after a long and torturous winter. It feels like we all turn a page or step into a new chapter. It feels like we FINALLY see what needs us taking a leap of faith, and now it will be ALL that we can see. BRAVO! This is where we are to be at this point in history where we sort of wake up to what has been programming us to stay silent and small with the impact we believe we can make on the world OR with where we feel we can go in this incarnation.
Many of you will suddenly GET IT that there are only a few people running all the media sources and they all are full of shit. They all want you to lower your vibration and fight with whoever the “Master Narrative” (Toni Morrison) wants you to hate. The money that has led the way for generations, that conned them into tools of distractions keeping us from really waking up, is falling away. It is where we confront abusers of money and those who manipulate what we see because THEY PLACED THEMSELVES as your authority.
Expect to see things finally reach the light of day and to notice that others are connecting and working to create understandings where before they were fixated into one polarized piece of the puzzle. Don’t be surprised if you were headed in one direction and now will stop in your tracks because you can see that it was a manipulated journey and not one your heart and soul TRULY wants to take.
FOR SURE, expect the unexpected and for things to change that force you to adapt and go with the flow. Others are showing up as something that REALLY lets you know where you stand and how something REALLY feels about you. But don’t get down on seeing dark matter because it is here to teach you something about valuing yourself and knowing that there ARE more pastures to seek out that will feel like home to what you expect the world to be. For this reason, expect harmony and things coming together to show that you have leveled up and are no longer attracting what gets you going low in your interpretation of WHAT is possible in life. There IS more for you to grow into, and it manifests from the space you make TODAY. Let go and take a step into the new view that grows when you extend your hands and demand that a new dream find you. There is WAY more for you to see, so lift your head and plant poetry into what is about to manifest for you. Something REAL GOOD is on the rise! Call this baby your way.
MOON DEGREES: 7 to 20 SAGITTARIUS (Look up these degrees in your birth chart to see WHAT HOUSE is being transited by today's moon and then read about that house in Astrology School!)
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