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moon vibe guide #137

thursday 9 september

thursday 9 september

thursday 9 september

thursday 9 september

Oh hello T H U R S D A Y!  This day is going to ask a lot of you, but it will pay off! Realize that you are to be in better control of your mind today where you are steering it through the eyes of ...

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wednesday 8 september

wednesday 8 september

Oh hello W E D N E S D A Y! Okay love! This day is beyond huge, so listen up and follow closely!! This day is a test like no other where you are going to come across things that get you tuning into...

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tuesday 7 september

tuesday 7 september

Oh hello T U E S D A Y! Okay then! I got a good trigger warning with a huge wakeup call message that I hope none of you run from because the point is we keep running from what we need to face and w...

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monday 6 september NEW MOON in VIRGO

monday 6 september NEW MOON in VIRGO

Oh, hello moon! We love when you go new in VIRGO, and you get us amped up to start new ways of living our lives where we WILL finally apply the discipline to get the jobs done. We love how you wake...

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