moon vibe guide #138
Podcast Links for FULL MOON IN PISCES
Who wants to sit down and chat it out! I had so much fun getting back to this medium to share the wisdom! I hope you enjoy the empowerment! xo *these links are PRIVATE. If they dont work, you wil...
Read moreOh hello T U E S D A Y! Oh hello 11 day!! And the day before a new moon! Be aware that you need to be conscious of your space and your intentions. This is a day to be in the love and to not fall ...
Read moreOh hello M O N D A Y! Okay then! Now it feels like we are moving into a new month and a new earth and a new space that feels shifted BECAUSE of the let go of shame, blame and guilt from decisions...
Read moreOh hello S U N D A Y! Good morning! BE AWARE. The next few days are riddled with clues about a decision you will need to make that deals with a decision you made over the last 8 years. Something ...
Read moreOh hello S A T U R D A Y! Okay good morning sweet love! Things are really rolling us into situations with others where we are being tested to see if we can embody the healing we WISH to take plac...
Read moreOh hello F R I D A Y! Good morning! Okay. This does not exactly feel like the best way to start October, but for sure we are going to feel super sensitive over something that feels like it has hi...
Read moreOh hello T H U R S D A Y! Okay my babies. Today 100% will bring you into contact with a fear or some feeling of depth that gets you wanting to assert yourself in new ways where you ARE talking ab...
Read moreOh hello W E D N E S D A Y! Good morning loves! So. Today has got you all in the feels and there is a HUGELY mysterious thing going on. But this is all about getting you to find your way out of t...
Read moreOh hello T U E S D A Y! Good morning sweet beauties! Something happened last night while you slept where a part of your brain will now be sparking and allowing you to see different things. Get re...
Read moreOh hello M O N D A Y! Okay. Expect that maybe something will not go your way today or it at least will go off kilter from what you thought would be happening. Change is in the energy, and it mean...
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