moon vibe guide #139
Hi! I got some amazing readings for you! The next 2 weeks are full of epic changes and quick transformations and a whole other world unfolding! SO HONORED to be on this journey with you! And I did...
Read moreOh hello T U E S D A Y! Okay loves. We have a super big moon rising full tomorrow and the way this hits you all is going to depend on where you are in the healing journey. For many, this is when ...
Read moreOh hello M O N D A Y! Okay loves! Expect to wake up and feel totally different today. This is special! We will have something come in that gets our mind seeing for a clarity into where we want to ...
Read moreOh hello S U N D A Y! Good morning sweet pie! Now we have some situations going on today that need our attention. On one hand, you will be asked to come out of the shadows and reveal what you re...
Read moreOh hello S A T U R D A Y! Good morning my beauties! So today is gonna feel real deep and as if you are sensing something and it makes you want to change what you thought you would do. Actually, ...
Read moreOh hello F R I D A Y! Oh baby! We got the end of the week, tax day for extended filers, and moon conjunct Jupiter, anointing it before it goes direct in 2 days. This is a blessing of a day where...
Read moreOh hello T H U R S D A Y! Okay loves! BE AWARE and on your game today because things are coming in ways that can have you feeling limited about the potential future you were JUST dreaming of. Th...
Read moreOh hello W E D N E S D A Y! WOW. Here we go loves. EXPECT to feel like you are doing the ultimate purge and release of all the goods to the donations center where you fully let something go and...
Read moreOh hello T U E S D A Y! Good morning baby! So. Today is oh so full of many things that will be coming at you where you are being asked to finally make a decision and to choose for the rebuild of...
Read moreOh hello M O N D A Y! Good morning sweet love! Okay. This day is very galactically charged. It is all about us awakening to how we are receiving what we put out there and believe to be true. It ...
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