Article: new moon in scorpio | per signs

new moon in scorpio | per signs
Your readings are here and on time! This is the shifting of our patterns! You will benefit from mine!
This time is to be revolutionary for you where you get into the heart of the matter and into your complex nature in seeing what you are holding onto that is keeping you not feeling valuable. You are going deep into the places you before rushed past and overlooked, because there are things you have agreed to, and contracts made that now you see are not holding you the ways you need in order to feel like you are essential. This will break you out of a spell where you now will stick around and go into things that need your attention, seeing that it adds quality of life to do so!
When we finish the big jobs, we got big celebrating to do afterwards. And the energy is bringing you into waves where you do all this hard work and then something comes in to really get you feeling excited for the effort you put in -- and seeing that you CAN do this. This time is being shown to me as you digging out an underground cave where each step you take will help you move further in the long run. But each step can be a lot of work and with heavy emotion attached.
For this reason, understand that you are still in hard work and with plans coming together, but this time is important. The work you do now is transforming you from the inside where YOU, my darling, are the one who wakes to your authentic power, and it moves you like a volcano to show yourself new. Your lava may fall where others find it to be uncomfortable, but you still are to keep it real and use your voice like you’ve never used it before! If there are roars to the boundaries you need to draw in making yourself clear, so be it. This time wants you unearthing your truth, and it comes from going into the darkest of spaces to carve out better patterns that aren’t your wound reactions and the programming conditioning you to course.
You are to leave the old world spaces and be bold as you dig your way into what feels like it will be valuing of you. There is a whole other garden you are about to see grow, and it will come quickly, so be with strong convictions that your ideas are best, and things that don’t fall in line with that aren’t the best things for you. See that you ARE an authority and have ways to help others rebuild and become better, but first you must walk this journey of finding your authentic thing and bringing an energy that is palpable to us all. We have to know the path to vibe the wisdom. True passion comes from the journey, not from intellectualized understandings. You are learning something that needs you grounded in it so that you can fly with it in reality. What anchors you will help you see success. So think about what feels like it holds you correctly and then dive deep into raising your voice with things that do not.
You are being asked to show yourself more in regard to putting your work out there or working on your website or any writing projects that share a message. You are to show up more, even show your face, and talk in an educating way as you do your thing. This also means you are to show up more as someone who has changed or is open to sharing a new side. Something that you discover in the cave digging times is what will get you inspired with a new idea that will help you grow and keep going to another level. This will bring inspiration! It will get you with ideas a many! And it really stems from you owning your value and walking in a way that is strong with that. Maybe even stronger than you would normally show. This is what happens when we really wake to our worth! It’s like we turn into cowgirls strutting our stuff. Expect to walk different like this and to see that there IS another side, and all the hard work is paying off in actually changing your vibration.
From the inside we blossom our new lives. And it means we have a lot to let go of and new patterns that have to be put into place in order to establish a better plan for things. So, you will use muscles and need to be glued with determination, but you are about to see some amazing new months on the rise!! I got goosebumps as I wrote that, which is a great sign. It's confirmation that you are coming around the corner and out of some spell that will change everything for you. And what remained in your life when you weren’t speaking your truth will be falling away in dramatic fashion, like icebergs dropping into the ocean. Be clear and concise and value yourself FIRST. Don’t compromise and let the bullies knock you into freeze and fear. No more. Wake up your Kali and trust that you have all the tools to fight all the negative forces in the world. But get up and fight for what is better if ANYTHING wrong stands in your way.
You are going to see new things grow in regard to opportunities that show you that you have a place in the world. These are to come sudden and when you really were sitting looking into the scarcity pool and thinking all was doomed. You may be in the cave digging away, with no light, and suddenly you dig the last point, and you are inundated with new views that show you the world is ready for what you have learned along the way. So, get ready for a solution that comes out of the blue that gets you seeing YOU ARE IMPORTANT to the shift into New Earth. And you are to empower us into rebuilding better. So. Keep with it and reach for the stars. Connections are coming to grow you a better position in the world.
Oh love! Here is where the big things change where something has now come in and gotten you to show up in different form. You will wake up out of a spell in the ways of how you used to show yourself, as something is moving you to be clear with your throat and strong with more power in feeling passionate about the ways you want to impact. You are getting out of your way and what shows up may certainly surprise others!
This also says things are moving around because of the change swirling from within you and how your new moves are affecting others. But don’t let that hold you back or get you falling into old world roles where you hide your truth when in the strength of forceful people. This is when you are to pass the other cars and move into another lane as you accelerate in this new way. Think that the switching of lanes may feel awkward and where you really have to assert and believe in yourself, but still go for it. Things are to be where you suddenly do something, and it ends up putting you right where you need to be so that others see you and support the new level you bring.
Friends will also be more important, and you will be thinking about who impacted you and how you are where you are because of certain connections with others. You also are in the space to come together in more powerful collaborations because of the way you are changing in using your voice more and bringing your ideas to our attention. This time is to move you like no other and all the synchronistic things that you feel inspired to do or that show up in perfect timing when you NEEDED THIS are here to keep you going for more. Don’t hold back in what you see for yourself because the energy is coming to get you with the brilliant ideas and the ways to support yourself from your creative gifts.
Your love light is to be shining and it comes from you not hiding away because you feel others know better or have some advantage over you, and really just keep asserting what you feel is a better way for things to be. The solutions inside of you need to be what you are pressing into the future and writing into the codes so that others naturally follow. And not first looking to another leader, but seeing that you are the patient leader who is to guide us now. It is time to shift from student to teacher or from hidden to vocal or single to committed or lost to found. It's about you leaving an old town and really seeing that the world supports you bringing the changes you are feeling at this time.
You are to shed the skins and start showing more of your authentic power. Actually, you are being asked to bring elevation to the healing or growth process and really start showing up more direct when it comes to the blocks or the challenging aspects of life that get you to check out or escape. This is when you are to face things you haven’t wanted to deal with and to see that they bring you closer to valuing the time you have left. When you can live more because you know death is a reality, you are in a great position! We all need to live more, and we have been hiding from the challenges that are actually the steps that get us to the better lives. And you have lived decades working to first help others feel happy or to go along with how you feel conditioned to be. Now, the storyline is to flip where you listen deeply to what feels correct in your soul and then break all the rules and come out of the lines if you don’t think something is fair. No more letting it go and hoping for the best. Now is when you are to step up into roles and do what you can when you feel called. Expect to feel called much more then you have in your past! This is you rising into the real Taurus you were born to be. With a little more bull and less passivity – at least in the face of adversity.
Your career is also about to bless you with some synchronicity that aligns you with friends or a group, but they are to be what helps you see into new aspects that you would like to grow into. This feels VERY fortunate, and it is a connection made in heaven! Just understand. Things are coming to get you standing up and doing more that deals with you fine tuning into your best form.
So, the opportunities are here too because we need you doing more for the world. We need you clearing the airwaves that keep us disconnected from what you really want to tell us. This also says that how you did your work before is changing. And it may mean you need to adapt and keep upgrading with more current systems. But don’t worry about how this goes or needing to know too much because the energy is bringing you what you need. YOU just need to go when you feel the call and trust that this drive from inside is what gets the others to see you and bring the connections you need.
We are responding to the new ways you are showing yourself, and if you really want to have fun with this energy, be full of love and light and confidence as you direct your intentions our way. See that you have a big place in the world and that what you need will find you when it's time to go up the steps towards the top. Don’t look to others and compare yourself to the point of inaction. This IS a test at this time. Be authentic and true to what vibes inside of you and your career will grow and expand to show you that new lands are about to support you in beautiful ways. YOU are about to see how valuable you are to us.
This is such a good moon for you because something is going to hit you and it's going to have the essence of the mystery. It's going to be exactly what you needed to come up with in order to move on and let go of something that was keeping you in blame, shame, and guilt. Something where you have been processing in a darker way, where you have been going glass half empty with your interpretations, is to now shift because something that deals with compassion, and you really tuning into your feelings and the truth of the matter, is what's going to shift you and get you steering in a totally different direction.
You are about to go through the end of a process where you are going to come out wanting to express in a more bolder role where you're showing yourself doing your souls purpose work. You may even come into a space where you get really geared into thinking about your career and about what you really want to do to make a difference and show up in the world. But this space right now is still about bringing important elements that deal with compassion and judgment and bringing them to the table so that they bring upgrades to the ways you are seeing yourself as a victim -- and not trusting that all things happen just as they are supposed to.
This time is to be healing when you face things that otherwise you would want to escape from, and just leave the room, and not say anything about what you're feeling. Your feelings are to hit you and jolt you with lightning, where you may even be super sensitive over things that before you weren't getting emotional about. You're being woke again so that you understand you aren't a victim in any of it, and actually it's time to use your voice in a different way where you speak from a base of self-love -- and not naturally go negative when you don't get your way.
When you really value yourself, you will be able to sit back and allow the great mystery to help you co-create the next legs of your journey. And something may even force you into surrendering and into stopping everything so that you can learn new ways of interpreting what it means to not feel well, or to not understand or to feel lost because you are feeling so much and don't know how to process it all. The overwhelm of the depth of things can have you feeling off kilter, but you need to know that all you got to do is focus on this one moment, your deep breaths and the positive view in your mind that it all will work out just fine. You don’t need to worry about anything other than right now and handling it like you know the great mystery will support you. Each piece you place will bring you into a greater power about why you are here and WHAT you want to do about it. Let the tears be okay as they water your dreams that are JUST ABOUT TO BLOSSOM!
You also need to start your new exercise routine or face massage or something that is a dedication you go through daily and where you commit to the process of something getting better. What links you to feeling more energy in life is you organizing and cleaning and moving your body and not letting it get sluggish with toxins that keep you anticipating the worst on what all the mysterious must mean. It also keeps you interpreting from a foundation that doesn’t feel safe.
The steps you take at this time are the most important in shifting you to the best pattern of your life. What you change now is everything and it's also going to be easier to stick with it and to know that this is what is getting you to feel better about life. There is some sort of control that you need to have over the way you move about your daily schedule, and the discipline will get you feeling real strong about why you're here and what you want to do. The more you move, the more you will awaken with a passion into what needs to be cleared up and let go of so that your spaces have been Marie Kondo’d and you are not feeling so bogged down with all those negative mental games.
This time is to birth you new where we all are going to notice that you are looking different. And it comes from what you now put into better order and face with grace instead of fear. You are going to be asked to show yourself more in a new role where you're educating or informing or bringing messages to others, and where you are more positive about what you bring because you are passionate about this work. This can also be with new friends coming in your life or a new love or new partnerships. But it's about you needing to show yourself in this other really hopeful way, because you're here to be making more of a difference, and from this perspective that you are not so quick to thinking negative and as if everything is a victim situation that is harming you or hurting you.
When you realize you are an influencer of the life you're living, you live more positively trusting that the great mystery put you here for a reason. When you surrender and trust like that, you're going to have a different kind of glow that's going to get us noticing you big time! And that's what your next 7 months are all about! Your career is about to grow and show and get you seeing that things are moving along wonderfully. This is when the flip occurs, and you get to gun it for the better life you have been dreaming for. SO. Clean like you are moving house and get ready for the new energy to get you into the best patterns of your life.
Okay my love! This is going to be a great new moon for you because it's going to get you deep into the heart of what you really want to do in life so that you feel important and essential and as if you have a place in the world. Things are coming that you won't expect, and they are alignments within your groups or with friends. These are going to provide you inspiration that gets you believing in yourself by taking some risk of your heart and really going for something you love to do.
This time is to be filled with things that get you remembering that life is beautiful. It is when surprises come to wake you up and to get your heart beating -- and then to get you reaching for more because this amazing thing is actually happening. This is the kind of energy that can hit people and get them dancing into a new future because they feel high on life as they are spending time doing the things they love to do.
People are to see you and recognize you and this is to affirm your worth in the world. This has to do with your creative gifts and it's also something that is here to support and sustain you. What it needs is you really valuing the work you do and sticking with things that need you risking their success before you see it true. To value yourself comes before you manifest the things that value you. But when we are insecure and still healing, we look for others to value us and then we decide that we will value ourselves. Something is changing in you where being in your art or being in new creative expressive spaces are getting you to feel at home in what you want to do to the point your throat is opening and broadcasting in a new way that will have people welcoming the beauty that you bring.
You are to see opportunities come that deal with positioning you in your authority and really upgrading where you thought something wasn't growing or had grown as big as it could get. This is why many of you can experience huge bolts of change where now there are ways for you to get out into the world, and it ignites a passion within your creative spaces because others are attentive to what you bring. But don't forget for a minute that the people who are already being hit by this space are there because first they grew their self-love into an actual reality. They are magnets and this is here because they deserve this blessing.
It was the feeling so uncomfortable and as if one doesn't have a place in the world that gets us to find the love within so that we don't need others affirmation before we feel it for ourselves. But the provocation that hits you sensitive is the gateway point that gets you into going inward to discover what would really make you happy. This time is about you going deep into seeing how you are in relationships with things that limit your view of your importance, to the point that when you imagine yourself in the world, you don't see yourself using your voice as an agent of change – or do you? You should, but most of you aren’t yet fully projecting that sort of dream into their new moon visions.
And right now, you need to wake up and remember your royalty as you reach proudly beyond the stars into another universe. Like, what would REALLY make you happy? What sort of life is REALLY the best thing ever that you can imagine? It's time for you to paint in these ways. It's time for deep passion and serious security to grow because of your new dedication to not let other people and their fears hold you back from going for what is available. Where your life is to grow deals with you facing the darker matter and not letting it crumble you. When you walk the lesson of what is to come, you will not get so scared or insecure when heavier life situations arise. This time is going to show you that you are stronger than you thought, and actually there are all these solutions that are coming swiftly BECAUSE you are finally looking deeply and not running from what needs you staying fixated into what needs a solution.
This isn’t about being fixated into fear; it's a fixation into KNOWING there is a solution out there and nothing to worry about as it comes to be. You are to be fixated with your goals, KNOWING there is a solution and that you will get into the spotlight in all the ways you dream IF YOU KEEP DREAMING for them. This energy is about YOU doing the work that will shovel the snow that gets you closer to a life that you love living.
You are to awaken to new love, and this says old love is transforming to awaken you! This means returns are here and something revealing with unrequited love from the past or something that kept you from feeling special and doubting your place in the hearts of others. One hurtful blow and we can start painting our life in a negative light. This time wants you painting with glass half full thoughts and really seeing that things are coming your way, even if the pieces are still coming together. This energy wants you feeling carefree in life and not allowing the external to throw you off balance. This also deals with value because when we value ourselves and love ourselves, we’re able to hear the pain of others and not think we have to fix it or feel guilty because we have a life that is in contrast to what they have to live. When we love ourselves, we process things in a way where we bring love to what is not yet there. You are being asked to learn this new way and to bring love, and feel how it helps you feel more powerful to stay hopeful that there are solutions to what needs to be brought back into balance. Lead us boldly and brightly. Your voice and creative gifts are needed.
Okay love! This energy and what you're going to be moving into the next few weeks is really valuable because you're doing the deep work that's going to get you more grounded in life – and FROM all the ways you face how you feel about things, and if they hold you with enough grace. This is about you seeing things that before you didn't see, but something is changing the vibration of things that is to get you waking up to what is around you and how it makes you feel.
Inspiration is to come where you start to see that there's some new crop you can grow with your career, and it deals with you asserting your creative gifts and speaking up more or using your throat to go for things or to do things that you haven't done before. Actually, this may be about you returning into an art that you haven’t done in a while, but the ways you're going to do what you do now is not like anything you've done before.
And it's all because of this work that we're doing with your foundation in getting you to face these ways that you're still holding on to these fears or beliefs of others who have programmed you on how you are to believe life can be. If you are around people who hold a lot of fear, or if you've seen lots of situations that created trauma, it is natural for you to keep planting those seeds in your crop to be. So, it's important at this time that you're facing the ways that you're not keeping it real in the way your foundation is being run. This means sudden changes to come that are to get you out of stuck places that aren't where you are supposed to be.
This will be you reaching for more and believing that there is a place for you in the world. You are to see more of that in the coming months but right now this time wants you completely rebooting and deciding to start your own life over in a way that feels good in your body and that feels like there's more passion and depth to it all. Just like the difference between friends that are more superficial and others that are the deep, hardcore family crew.
The things that hold you kindly and deeply are what you are to make space for -- but to also honor that this will mean you have to let go of things that are just mediocre or there because they have been for so long. You are in a new land, and it requires you look at what is around you with new eyes that appraise things for how abundant they make you feel. If you look at things and feel sad, that may not be what you need to keep around! If you look at things and feel nothing, that too may be something that needs to find another home. This is a time to really rework what is the first thing that greets you which is the foundation that holds you. You can't run a huge business if you haven't first built the foundation for it to sit upon. And you're in a space right now that is triggering you to get safe and to get solid with what is your authority to bring -- and to really start mapping out the plan for how you're going to do these next level things.
You are to be showing yourself more in the creative arts way and in things like video or teaching things or ways that we are actually seeing and hearing your voice. That is something about this energy because it's saying that you are to show up more where you are performing or doing something to evoke a feeling in us. You are to put yourself into those situations. You are not to think that you don't got it, because the energy IS going to bring it to you -- because you are a deserving star. And it is time to wake up again and value yourself through the eyes of your career. You need to see for your upgraded self, sharing your creative gifts and rebuilding the foundation so that it can hold something greater. Things are coming to show that you do matter. So, all you got to do is receive – and consciously grow more of this! Think that you are here to do it different than the old world way and it just needs you following your body feelings and holding steady as a bull as you only see for solutions that will treat you luxuriously. Don’t go bargain basement unless you want to keep creating that world. Trust what you feel for and expect it to come your way. Focus your mind on knowing that you are safe and that you don’t need to be in control of it all.
Now the ways you are being asked to show up more deal with you stepping into more of a creative expression, and from this the ways you are to grow deal with you stepping into a new role where you are doing something more to make a difference or that really shows you do have a special place in the world. This is some of the greatest energy because it's really rewiring you and it's getting you into a position where we actually see you different, and because of that more opportunities will come for at least another year that deal with matching the self-worth that you are growing inside.
All of these changes that you're facing and the ways you're staying busy with what needs you putting it into better positions, are getting you to show up different so that you are a more positive force in doing something that you feel you were born to do. With this reboot you can have more than you dreamed. So it's important right now that your mind is expansive as it could be in thinking about what next role you want to step into and how you want to affect others. This is also when friends are to become more important to you or groups that are here to help you rise. They 100% are what stand behind you stepping into these higher roles. And you are joining with others now to do bigger things as a team.
Well, this certainly is going to change a lot in your life! You are in for some dramatic shifts that are going to deal with you going deeper into creative projects you have that in some way express you as an authority. Things are coming to show you that you are valuable to the world, as a gateway is opening to make it easier in getting you out there with what you do want to share far and wide. This energy is attaching to old dreams and also to things that you have apprenticed with for some time. So it is to bring things back to you that affirm your creative gifts and that also show you there is room to grow.
What this is to do is to create a new pattern in your mind where you aren't going so low while in the process. And where you grow stronger and determined in following through no matter what. When you make that shift into focusing into the strength that you do have to continue on, you will lose the focus of being motivated by the end result – and the frustration of not seeing it yet. Sometimes it's more important to just keep with the feeling knowing that you won’t back down so that the journey of challenges doesn’t overwhelm you. Just know, you are starting over, and this is when you ARE TO NOT EVEN consider going back into some old pattern or way of seeing something. Your view expands NOW – and you have got to let go of the old as you step into this new space.
An exciting opportunity is to come where others are reaching out for you, or something connects to help you do work that deals with promotions or marketing or things that affirm your gifts and help you be seen. This is also to play a part in reconditioning your mental patterns that go to dark places when you don't yet sit solid in your soul’s purpose work. This is about facing where you have parts that you don't want to see because you've turned the interpretation of darker aspects of life into something negative that you now fear, where you brace for what the future could next bring.
Honestly, this comes when we've been through trauma where we have to learn to not keep expecting that to return again. You have things like this that need to burn up and transform into a stronger force no matter what the storm. The opportunities that are to come are to get you opening your mind to a better view and to get you keeping your focus there where you train your brain to start seeing that the upgrades you need will come, and if they're not there yet, there is nothing wrong. Your mind can be suspicious, or it can be a deep cave of exploration into truth. You just need to tweak things a bit so that your mind always knows you will find the answer and the way will open when YOU vibe a certain thing that you wish to see next manifest. You have important things inside of you and that you have created from your deepest passions. They have sat with you for so many years because they ARE what you are here to bring. But your journey is longer because you are a top dog sign that has to learn a lot before they arrive on top. You are never going to be a hollow tree that just pays their way to the top and only focuses on the branches and leaves. You are a roots and insides person who has to really learn what you will teach and preach. And this time is to show you magic that gets you seeing there IS a reason to have hope and to know things ARE about to switch your gears and get things feeling a bit automatic and on the mend.
You are being asked to show up more at home and in focusing on what really feels good to you and what is supporting you. This may mean you need to take care of the energy around what is the first thing that greets you every day. If you are in a lot of clutter and mess, you're going to feel ungrounded in life. This is when you are to be direct with what you see and how it makes you feel. You are going to be seeing that much is finally falling into place and pieces that you were beating your head in the wall over now will show solutions that will have you seeing that you can trust the bigger picture of things. This will help you understand why you said no to some things and didn't feel a strong pull to continue on. What is to come is to get you seeing glass half full in the reality of why you are here and what you are here to bring to the world. This is to get you patiently moving along and going with the flow – no matter what. No matter what illusion presents – this energy is grounding you into authentic power and inner wisdom that will have you waiting for high value and stopping things that don’t make you feel good in your body. With no judgment and no shame. It's about Marie Kondoing your life and only keeping around what brings you joy – while letting the rest go with gratitude for each piece.
You also may be trying out new things with your voice and with sharing what you feel. If you feel called to step forward in this way, the energy supports you broadcasting your power and speaking clearly on what you know best. But really putting it out there with confidence because this IS your thing. Your life is growing in the area of your soul’s purpose work. And the more you clean up the clutter that gets in the way, the closer you’ll get to seeing how that was distracting you from believing in yourself and really committing to your dreams. Clean and you will see. Organize and you will feel free.
Okay love! This moon is going to get you into a whole other crop in life, where new things ARE going to grow. This is when you will be surprised into changing and into getting yourself out of stuck situations that are keeping you not feeling valuable. But this time is real big in getting you to see what you need to see about how others have affected you and how now you are stuck in the trauma and looping through the same patterns that keep shocking you into thinking you can't trust yourself. You want for peace and tranquility but are finding yourself in the psychological healing of tangled connections that keep bringing you into feeling worthless or without purpose when it comes to your creative gifts.
BUT. You also now are starting a whole other cycle around valuing yourself and being more assertive and strong in going for what you ARE best at. This time wants you in the heart of your creative gifts, and inside what it is that keeps you from really believing that you are valuable enough to be appreciated by others and to be living a lush life where you are treated sweetly.
There are ways you have gotten stuck on ideas on how things need to be, and it can have you going dark into places that really are just in the growth process of bringing you something better. But when things are hard and not going your way it's important that you aren't making it something negative and finding ways to think that there's something wrong with you. This is also saying that this moon is going to unearth things in you that are going to help you wake to your power where you will decide to grow new things in your crop that over the next 7 to 10 months will be producing something that supports you and grows strong roots so that you are seen as an authority.
This time is to introduce a new sacredness or ceremony around the cycles of change and transformation that deal with healing. Much of your healing is going to be with your entanglements with others, so understand that people will bring lightning bolts, sudden moves, and unusual things that you maybe couldn't even see coming your way. But trust that this is what is getting you to dig deep into the heart of who you are and what you have always loved to do -- and to get you actually going outside and planting the seeds that will help you grow something better. You are not to follow along at this time, nor are you to try to make things fit when they don't. There are lessons that deal with everybody needing to draw strong boundaries when things don't feel valuing and valuable. The message is saying that you don't need to compromise. The lessons that have been coming your way, and the surprises that have been hitting you deep, are catalysts getting you to own your worth and to start using your voice and speaking up more about what is important to you.
You are being asked to work on your creative gifts or on writing projects and to tune into them in a way where they bring you inspiration from being in the love of them. There is something about you needing to do your thing and just flow with it because cosmic inspiration is to hit you so that you really do own that you have to do this thing to be happy in life. It does mean there will be change, or you taking a risk of the heart. And it also says that you being out and about in your neighborhood, and being loose with where you were feeling fixated, will bring you in alignment with the things that fill you with the new inspiration.
This is a highly creative time, and as all artists know, our inspiration often comes from situations in life that we weren't anticipating and that affect us in deeply emotional ways. So, make space to be creative, to document things, to seek for communications with others, and to stay busy as you go about your day. This time is just special in that more things will come to you when you keep your hands busy and when you really pay attention to what is here in your life now.
It's also about holding more hope and going out into the world expecting that the opportunities will come to help you understand what you need to know. Where things are going to be growing in your life deal with you feeling more loving, possibly having a return of love where something comes back to now grow in a better way because of the absence. There is something about space that now brings your heart into more gratitude so that you are here for it now in more attentive ways. This is saying that there is to be more joy in your life and things that get you excited feeling that you do have a place in the world and that things do grow even though you don’t always see it happening. Actually, there's going to be a lot of energy focusing on getting you to feel more loving about life. This is really exciting news!
But the doorway to you feeling more blissed out and like you're totally exactly where you need to be, is that you have to clear the way of this old baggage that's having you seek for a life that is not the one you are to be living for. It's time for you to come out of the shadows and follow what makes YOU feel special, and with each brave stroke you paint, you're going to end up with a new crop that is you living your truth, being an artist, and playing more with life where you aren't kept back because of the fears of others that keep you living the scarcity path. You need to lush it up and seek for things that feel luxurious to your dream of things. Let go of scarcity seeking. You deserve it so much better.
Okay my love! This is some really wild energy for you and it's actually going to be when things flip into a new order because of things that are forcing you to step up and stand stronger in your truth. You are going to be discovering new sides of yourself and new ways you feel about the role you hold or the way that others see you. This is when you are to connect something about the impact you make in affecting people with your vibration that gets you stepping into a new role and using your gifts in different ways.
This can have something to do with thinking about how good you are at inspiring others or supporting their body or helping them believe in their creative gifts. The flip that is going to take place is the exact same thing with a light switch where in one position it does this specific thing but when in the other position it does the opposite thing. What is going to be changing about you are many things, but they're going to deal with you wanting to be more assertive with your power and to believe in yourself that you can trust the ways you are moved to go out and do things.
There is some sort of healing taking place in the mechanisms of your dance with others. What is showing is how much you're not keeping your truth important and are instead wanting to be what you think others want you to be. This can be like when you feel things are changing and you then almost leave your body to become the other person to understand what you need to change about you so that things can get back to how they were. But that's not where you find your power. And something when you leave your body like this gets you to lose your power and then it gets you to doubt yourself, doubt your focus, doubt your abilities, doubt that you have any right to be here. But it just comes from leaving your body and trying to figure out how to be somebody else to keep the peace.
This energy in the eclipse season is purposefully burning you up forsake of transforming you into your original form. It's like brushing away dirt around a artifact where that energy can feel disruptive and that you feel others are forcing you to change, but what is being done is that your true essence is being brought forward so that you can get back into your body and into your power and into a life that is 100% full speed ahead. Over the next seven months you will grow what you never were able to grow in your past. And as we enter the new storyline of your existence, we wake you up to wanting to make a difference!
This is when you are to show more of your creative gifts and what you love to do with your hands. There is a connection and a shift with what you love to do but also what you also USED to love to do. Remember that outside forces are triggering you to upgrade and step up, and what it means is that you're going to be mining into the depths of your entire life whenever you have something come up that forces you to figure a new way out. This is going to get you to come up with brilliant creative ideas, many that loop back into ones you've already had before. But where you start to get really excited about wanting to create a solid foundation and a new base and a new way to step into a role that feels like you are more like yourself than you have ever been.
Now do know where things are so incredibly inward, you will be for some time, and for good reason, but to get you going into the roots of your past to see what needs to be cleared out that will keep you from really going for your dreams. You're in a long session where you clean out the debris from what built you up. It means your tree may topple because you find out you have no roots holding you, actually. And no matter the journey of what is taken from you, that you thought would support you, in the long run it is the only thing that matters because if you don't have roots, you don't have anything down the road!
We all are trees, and the internet has allowed us to fake things and to make everybody think we're these big trees with big beautiful leaves and huge branches. But in reality, most of the trees out there are hollow and with no roots because the work has never been done in really focusing on the inward things, the healing things, the slow cooking things. So, it is an essential part on the journey to make sure you have all the equipment to go to the next levels. And you earn the equipment from walking the steps of life where you naturally earn new views on what is the potential.
This time is to clear away things from your roots so that you believe that you have a home in the world, and you are supported with a grounded foundation. This is when you will get back into paying attention to what is inside of you and to really do what you can to get it strong and fierce. And what's beautiful about this energy is now is when things are to come in and support you and show how valuable you are. They are to hold you, they are to encourage you, they are to be what you are to so many others. Where you get to be you and you don’t have to fill anything in to be good enough for someone else. So know, hollowed trees may accept less and allow things in that aren't valuing. But a tree that has substance and roots going deep down knows that they're valuable, so they wait patiently in finding what is the best support for them. Work on you – then others will work by your side.
Oh my love! This is gonna be a real powerful time for you where you are going to fall deeply into the surrendering of life where you are connecting with insights that help free you from some pain -- where you haven’t been able to see anything but the low end of the view. This is when you are to dig deep into the truth of what you need to see about the ways you need to face your emotions and face the ways others have programmed you to not make this your priority. You have things where you hold in your throat and stop them from coming through, as you align your brain to other things.
But you are in one of the most powerful times of your life where you are getting a new computer that you get to fill with new interpretations of what things mean. This time wants you getting out of the way and getting into what is more of a creative dream -- what feels like it would really make you happy. You are connecting into a new reality, and it deals with you flowing into what you feel you are to do, instead of what you feel others expect of you. This time is when you go so deep that you are to discover new sides of yourself that actually are the truth of who you were always born to be. This time is when you are to touch home with who you really are.
But know that it's about going deep and it's about going into places that pull you into the confusion of what it all could mean. This is when life can feel like you have no control and therefore it pushes you into another way of holding it. It can be the same when we go through death and transformation, or we go through experiences that have us forgetting how to act or feeling filled with anxiety or feeling insecure when before we would have felt okay.
These places are where we are healing what did not live up to our dream and to the ways other people influence us from believing we can’t live some other thing. Over the next several months you're going to be gaining a new sense of confidence to assert your views forward, where you really are doing things, and in a way that YOU would want to do them. But right now, you are in a deep processing of what is going to give you that inspiration to move. So, know that you're not moving just yet! This now is when you sit in the stew of life, and you look back at your past year and you come up with the new steam that gets you into new patterns that support you going for more value from life.
Where things are going to be focused for you deal with your soul’s purpose work and with things that are affecting your mental space because you aren't seeing exactly what you have been hoping for. This is when you are to have brilliant insights that show you that you are valuable and that you can put your creative gifts out there and see that there is a home for them in the world. This is when you are to connect the perfect things, that may come from friends helping you along and where suddenly you receive what you need to be putting your energy towards. So be okay with what rattles you or what gets you feeling like you want something solid but it's just not there. Be okay knowing that you're in a serious process that is going to get you into best form and that is going to get you into a better health position or something with your energy where you're going to be able to get more done.
But you have to value this time right now where you may need more self-care and are working on ways that you self-sabotage because you don't allow these natural cycles to play out. This is about sitting back and resting and writing out the ultimate plans that you are about to start living. This is when you're making the list from what you're feeling needs you sticking with this and not giving up on it. But all this kind of dreaming space and list making comes when we pull back to make the time.
Make ceremony a bigger part of your life where you are allowing yourself to commune with other forces and other ways of seeing the function of things. You are being asked to show yourself more in seeing that we need to see you and that we need you asserting the ways you want to. This means if you see yourself in some sort of position, we need you seeing it for yourself, and we need you showing us that. It needs to be a fire that lights from within you that we then will see. But we need you knowing that you are going to be asserting and that it's going to be about you listening to your heart and going on what feels good to you. But this is the yes you need that you are about to get up and go. Things are set to grow in your life with creative projects or ways you've wanted to find a home in the world with your communications or with groups or with the connecting of discipline, support and expansion. So look forward to seeing tons of movement with your community and with something loving on what you love to offer them.
Also look for there to be understandings with others when before there was friction that kept you bound in your brain. Things are to come from those that hold compassion and that seek for forgiveness over war. So see for bridges to be patched and made better and for you to be a leader in talking the ways for others to follow. You got it in you, my love, and soon it will be time to show yourself and to influence like a boss.
Okay love! This moon has some big surprises in store that are here to show you that you do have a place and that your gifts are NEEDED. This energy is to wake you up and get you excited for the potential that will come from others who are showing up to help connect you to your dreams. This means that your projects or creative ideas that have been in the works for some time, or have taken some roller coaster ride of instability, are now to show a sudden return where things finally connect, and it is to send you into daydream land at the thought that this could actually be happening.
So. We have you running into something that will get your heart speaking louder and feeling more energy, like when we are in love or when we really are in our souls purpose work and making a difference. It is a special energy that only rises when we enter some gateway of change with something that will help us to come more alive with who we are. It means our personality is to shift a bit because we feel so grateful and surprised and aware as we walk these new steps where dreams are coming true. When the better things arrive, they shift the way you see the world where now you expect the solutions to come.
There is something on the way that is to get your heart beating faster at the prospect and this is to be when you change a pattern about how you see your place in the world and how you see what the potential is for you. Because keeping it real, you see limited potential in regard to things that would really make you happy. It may be that you think you don’t deserve it, or you don’t think everyone gets love and happiness. But we all do. And you REALLY do. All the Cappies that do their work get great love, a great career, and a great end of life – but all the great things tend to come for you later in life.
Which means you have to see others soar while you feel held back and stuck in other things that keep you in scarcity. Much of your life may feel like you are locked in chains and forced to live these patterns where you can’t really go for what your mind thinks of as the dream. It’s where part of your dreaming ability is calcified and it's full of this substance that you really CAN'T move around. It's almost like the conditioning nailed the window shut and you can see into the dream, but you can't actually open the window and access it. So, be kind with yourself through this next process where you are going to go through a MASSIVE detox of this calcification so that your mind can have freedom again to dream for better things. This will mark a huge shift for Capricorns over the next 7 months. But just know, this energy is going to work to get you seeing that you ARE important, and it means you need to get serious about getting your work out to the world and connecting with others so that they know how to find you and to hear about the ideas you have.
You are to be showing yourself in a more mystical and spiritual way where you really see that you can trust it all. It's about surrendering and not so quickly going to those old world interpretations where you seem to add more calcification to your brain. You saw too many times where you were the victim and that means you brace for things. This time wants you learning to let go of bracing for the negative that could be and instead embracing that it is going to be better than anything you’ve had before. It's time to get you out of this old perspective where you just think things could be, and you need to EXPAND and get wild with your colors -- show yourself bolder in knowing the world needs what you love to do. The world needs some creative thing that is your passion and that is where you are to be an authority.
But you have to be full of grit and grace as you keep moving through what seems to move you further away from the goal. This energy wants to know that you are in it to win it and will do anything to get to a better place in life where you feel like you are in love with it all. This moon just wants you actually reaching and really filling your mind with next level ideas on how much you DO deserve to be happy. From what ignites you alive will come new eyes to see that you CAN have more. This is going to start a process where you will be pulled back into a concentrated area as this new plan is put into motion. So things can feel both fast and slow, but transformation of your personal power is about to support you in a new way.
This moon is also going to be working on your finances and it is about connecting you to your creative gifts and what you love to do. So there will be a change that gets the flow turned back on and the feeling like NOW the cycle shifts out of scarcity. But this is coming from you first holding the vibration that you have a place in the world to do amazing things that make a difference. YOU dreaming that, OF COURSE your time will come, is what shifts things to actually start coming. So, expect a change that shows you are growing more stable with seeing a way to get ahead and to feel like you are sustained. Something new here grows on the ideas that miracles DO happen. Work on your plans and see for something 5 times bigger than what you dreamed of before. Take this higher. See your place in the world and it will find you.
My love. It is time for you to start seeing big shifts in the flow of your life. This is when you are to wake up out of a spell where you will connect issues you have with feeling safe in the world, and how that gets you not showing up as your true self in our eyes. You are going to go through a massive transformation from seeing things that show you ARE valuable, and your creative gifts ARE something of great worth. You will be feeling a definite reboot where you let go of some limitation or scarcity fear around what holds you, and instead step full on into seeing for a solution or upgrade.
What was blocked and dried up will now open and fill with water. This is to naturally get you lifted, as if you are on an innertube as the waters rise -- and get you reaching for more ways to bring your power to the table for us all to enjoy. The changes come from you waking to your value and letting go of some old world way of trying to make yourself fit in. You may even have dreams or fears come up around things that influenced you and got you not coming through as strong as your truth. Things got you to hide and to not want to push on through when the going got tough.
But that was the old world keeping you from waking to the truth that YOU are the leader that we are to follow. Those others are a façade and a tree with no roots. YOU have roots that run deeper than most – and now it's time to let your tree sway wildly in the wind, KNOWING you got the support of your powerful Earth kin.
This time is getting you in touch with where you need to come forward and share more of what you do where you hold more value in what got you to be who you are today. This means it's about letting go of how others did not hold you safe and now walking with a bold power that shows the world you don’t need anyone else to confirm or give you the white man’s approval. You don’t need any others to be the authority over you and show you the way to be.
It is time to start over 100% and to walk and talk different as is you are the kid walking around the restaurant that your parents own. Walk like Earth is here to provide, and you have the freedom to go where others do not. It’s important that you are holding this vibration and allowing a new pattern to play out that holds you and also brings you to higher positions in life. It comes from you believing this!! Those roots need to be your wishes holding you in darkness as you wait for those branches to grow. All the cooking behind the scenes and the patient building of your dreams is WHY you manifest what comes next. You are in for a few months of a new blossoming that will get you seeing you most definitely have a home in the world, and it IS time for you to be sustained for your gifts. So, you have to see for it now as those new branches grow. You need to walk like your parents own the café and you get to go back and eat whatever you want and go talk to the kitchen staff and have fun. You get more than you were programmed to believe. Where you are now is seeing that you can only go front of the house on the café. You were programmed to not go deeper into things and instead to hold such a scarcity view on life that you are too afraid to take a leap of faith and see if others see you the way you want them to.
But no more. That day is gone. A new Aquarius rises, and it is with a power that comes from walking this journey of limitation and rejection and STILL SHOWING UP ready to win.
You are being asked to show yourself more in a community way where you are working to make a difference and are educating or sharing things that go out there to inform. This means you need to show us more of what you know about bringing the solutions to systems so that they benefit more people. You are to work on your website or ways that you can promote yourself and let people know what you are thinking about. But ASSERT in this area of seeing that there is a place for you, and you need to get into it and get it going. Friends or associations will tend to be what connects you. Things are ready to give you that confirmation that you are essential.
This is all a part of the water filling things back up so you can see a higher perspective into your importance to the unfoldment of things. When you find home with yourself there won't be anything you can't do. From within your flowers will grow and we will notice you in different ways. ACTUALLY, where you are set to grow in this energy deals with you asserting your truth and being clear with how you feel on things. It may even be that you provoke more or are dead on honest with how you feel. This will change how we see you, but it is making an imprint that you are not here to make others happy and be something that fits in to how you are expected to be. You are a trailblazer who starts things new and in the corrected form where limitation doesn’t dominate the view. It's time to see that you are NOT blocked and if you keep with it, the light will reveal. Go back to the kitchen and see that you are allowed into more areas in life. There IS more to grow into.
Okay love! First off, I hear 2 Unlimited playing their song, Get ready for this! Which I have to interpret as AMAZING NEWS FOR YOU!! Go listen to this now to FEEL how stoked you need to be.
So. Get ready to dance, to get up and to see that now you DO have room to grow and reason to want to move your dreams forward and get back on the train that is heading for the top of the mountain. This moon marks a HUGE SHIFT where you are going to be growing more into your true self where you will be walking taller and feeling more confident about who you are. Things will grow that let you know you CAN trust the limbo and the in-between spaces. Things will come together, and they will show you that perfect timing was taking place in order to bring more power to your projects or words that you want to see go out there far and wide.
You are to be focusing more into quiet spaces where you can receive what you need to hear because this time is getting you back into honoring your gifts, and they come from you going against the grain in how others are doing things. The world at large is about to go through a reversal in order to be more like you -- and you, who have been in reverse for most of your life, are now going to move forward. But you discover how to move forward from pulling within your system and blocking out the interpretations of what mainstream wants you to believe about things.
There is a new code and a new way for you to design your life that comes from deep contemplation and surrendering into a higher power to be managing things. You may even feel like a curse has lifted or some pattern of things only supporting you just enough NOW start to show that the sun is shining again. But listen, my love. The doorway to your expansion comes from meditation times and meandering in life instead of doing it through old world templates. Things come from inside you and they always are to surprise you. These are coming to get you back into position of being a co-creator and patient observer of needed change. This means new paths begin now and a new level of life upgrades to show you a different view.
You also are being asked to show up more in your career and to REALLY show us what you love to do. The energy is talking about dancing and being a presence for us to learn from. You are in one of the most blessed times when you are to see that others value your words, or your creative projects more than they used to. This also indicates that you may get found or have that final piece come together so that your website or the thing that you are most passionate about can finally get wings to fly. This feels like a simple change or adjustment that gets you into alignment with a new space where things actually do work out.
Don’t give up if you are walking a journey and still waiting for things to elevate. The road may be flat today but tomorrow the incline begins. You are CLOSE. This energy wants you keeping with it and growing stronger in dedication to seeing the positive and hoping that there IS something around the corner.
This also talks about you not seeing yourself as a victim and shifting focus to seeing that your life has been an education grooming you for excellency. It's important that you force this new mindset on yourself and get the car out of the stuck mud. This means pulling within and rewiring the thoughts that think something is wrong with you or that you don’t have a home in the world to be the true you. Remember, no more reverse – train your brain to see that NOW you move forward. Don’t plant this new space with fear and doubt and money concerns that are reversal thoughts. Call them that when they come up -- and correct yourself back into drive. No more reverse for Pisces!! That day is done.
There also is something that has been in the works for some time, and it deals with you now having a return into what you created before. Now, actually, let’s go back and remember that first you are being asked to show yourself more in your career, or in life, – and THIS is to then bring you into contact with an old passion. And the attention you get from putting yourself out there is what is going to give life to what you have been wanting to see grow. Things are working together and what starts the re-patterning begins with you valuing yourself enough to know what the world needs more from you. When you wake and see, you will be inspired to share in a new way. THIS will change things for you. So trust where you are empowered to market yourself and promote what you know best.
You also are going to have connections come in your neighborhood or in ways that you come face to face with others. So BE OUT for the next month and know that you need to be more social and letting people know that you are here. There are people who can help you and you need to show yourself more. Just always be aware that this time wants you showing up in ways that get you into our attention. It also may be that in meditation times you are hearing things that you need to do, like go to that coffee shop or go ask about that idea. These are direct downloads helping you create this better pattern. So, expect to be supported by higher powers getting you to where you need to be. You will see that you ARE of great worth and what you do is authority work. Walk tall and confident, my love. Get ready for this!
1 comment
Wow! As I read my Aquarius reading I could feel my confidence, self esteem, love of helping others & love for who I am, what I’ve walked through & survived & all the LOVE it’s given me to share , rising growing & blossoming in my soul! This is who I am & desire to be❤️
Michelle Simpson
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