oh hello WEDNESDAY! Stick with the dream!
THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: My love. You have a choice. And today is going to force you to either walk your talk and stay pressed to a dream that IS outside of what mainstream would be doing...
Read moreoh hello TUESDAY! Be honest with your heart.
THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Good morning sweet love! OKAY! GO BIG today. Like, really, be the child who is looking into their heart – and be honest -- and see as glass half full as you can t...
Read moreoh hello MONDAY! Get ready to FEEL!
THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: My loves! Your heart is going to be on your sleeve today and you may feel shocked by how large things express and how you can't really hold back from making som...
Read moreoh hello SUNDAY! New Moon in LEO!
THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Oh hello New Moon!! We love when you go new in Leo and get us to wake up to wanting to show ourselves in new ways where we are not just following along as it ha...
Read moreoh hello SATURDAY! Stand up to what is wrong.
7 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Oh loves. Something is to return and give you another view where you will see this with older and wiser eyes and you MAY be choosing to do something th...
Read moreoh hello FRIDAY! NOTHING is dead and gone.
6 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Now as we move into a New Moon in Cancer on Sunday, you CAN be feeling a bit emotional and moody and ready to blow about anything that is old world and...
Read moreoh hello THURSDAY! All the feels!
5 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Good morning sweet beauty! Now be aware that many of you are about to move into a space of feeling utterly fed up with things that are shifting into a ...
Read moreoh hello WEDNESDAY! Be a conscious gardener!
4 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Expect to be busy today and for things to feel a bit bigger than normal. We are very chatty, and people will want to connect and talk about the ideas o...
Read moreoh hello TUESDAY! Honor the mirror.
3 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: Good morning loves! We are going to be in some mental places where we will be feeling limited or as if something is wrong with the path we have chosen....
Read moreoh hello MONDAY! Quick fixes don't last.
2 AUGUST 2021 THE ENERGY OF THE DAY: We have a BUSY DAY today and you need to be armed in knowing where you need to place yourself! People are CHATTY and they are talking about things with...
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