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Article: Full Moon in Libra | Readings for ALL SIGNS

Full Moon in Libra | Readings for ALL SIGNS

The full moon in Libra is going to bring BIG changes.

This is about us really waking up to who we want to be outside of how the old world programmed us and conditions us to be this other way. We are somehow waking up to what got us buying into wrong and at this time its going to have us focusing more on home and what feels supportive in our bodies. It will have us noticing how incorrect things are so that we start over and begin doing things where we show more love and care to seeing for upgrades on what was created incorrectly.

We wont be so scared of what controls us as now we are thinking about family and coming together to create a new tapestry to hold things in better ways. You are the one in power when you make choices on what to buy and who to support. Your vote matters when you say no to what is killing the planet and yes to what helps things grow. Your piece is important and its time to start stepping up in life where you are assertive and brave in showing others the best ways to be.

And LEARNING that path from walking through confusing situations with others where you DO have to come out of your comfort zone to disappoint them or let them down. When we seek for our path and our truth, it often will mean we have to upset another who wishes we would stay on their side of things. But this time wants you letting go of waffling in not knowing how to show your truth because it means you have to step out of line and do something because your heart is telling you to. Just believe in yourself and go towards what feels best in your body to do. Your mind will have many reasons to confuse you as you wont want to be seen in a negative light. But you can trust-- this is always going to be the risk when you go for your hearts desires. We see some people win and some people lose and on the road of life we learn how both people feel.

So do for you and step into a new role where you bring beauty and truth to your relationships with others. Start over in how you greet the world, and it will greet you in new ways too. Wake up to your power and choose for the best view. Be and you will see.



This full moon may hit you raw and get you feeling confused about your place or your role in the world. You may be challenged by others who are wanting you to stay the same, while inside you know you want to figure things out and start asserting your life in a new way. You are being asked to be brave in doing what feels natural to you and that you may part ways with others because someone or some thing is not really supporting you the way you need. And they are affecting you because something about how you were conditioned to be thinks you are to hide your truths so as to not make a stink.

This energy is wanting you to show yourself in a different way but where you are going towards peace and away from war. Things will feel heightened in your body as a way to help steer you with integrity towards new support systems that you don’t have to fight into place. This is about you seeing that you deserve to be handled in better ways where things feel harmonious. Your moves are what gets things back into balance – but other people will move and confuse you so as to get you looking for a solution. See that your relationships now are in a test to see if they please you – and remember that you deserve more love and joy in your life. You deserve to be around others who help you shine brighter and who hold the step stool out to help you rise higher. Its time to make changes – and to stop waffling – with certain people and how they don’t give you what you need. You have permission to make strong decisions protecting your space and holding grace for how you want your life to be.

You are being gifted a ... CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.


This full moon is all about getting you to fully surrender and allow healing to take place before you move forward in this different way. You may feel like you want to get up and do but your body will keep pulling you into silent spaces and alone moments for you to still process what is causing you to not feel well or to not be strong enough to break through the obstacles like you used to. Something about your path is being changed for you as it is coming from far and wide, but its getting you to step up and start over in how you share things or ways that you communicate your gifts or interests.

A rebirth is being thrust on you, which means there may be uncomfortable moments forcing you to come out of your comfort zone, but know, this is you getting to reinvent yourself and start over in creating a foundation to hold you and be what is your souls purpose to be. Its time for you to shock us with changes or ways that now we see you differently. But these inspired changes are to rise from the ways you are stopped and pulled back and forced into other feeling areas. So embrace the retreat and do not think you are the judge of how things should be moving along. Just consider that healing is taking place in your body like with a broken ankle. When you don’t feel like going and you only feel like flowing, be okay and trust this. There are ways you are to be growing more powerful FROM what comes to you during these down times. They are multipurposed and they are to correct the way you assert yourself in life through getting you to feel all sorts of mysterious things.

You also may feel ... CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.


This full moon is to get you dreaming in a way where you think of the group or the bigger picture – but it comes from you not waffling with what your heart is telling you. You ARE to be coming out of the bounds and not doing what others maybe would do. But with your heart speaking, and a return into romance or love of something, you have to understand that it does mean you will make a stink or not do the conventional thing.

Just know, the missing link is that you are to bring beauty and truth to what you reveal from your heart, but you also are to be assertive with how that moves you to make changes for you. This is about you waking up to wanting to experience more light in your life and wanting to have excitement and what makes you feel alive. To be stagnant in something because its not following your heart, is not an okay way to be. You are to be waking up to your importance and to how much that DOES need a say in what you would like to next create. Know that you are in a space where you are to focus on all of your wildest dreams. You are to give all of them space to become something greater and to rebirth into things that grow bigger. Your heart is to pump up like someone in love and to see through those eyes as you then wish for all the greatest things to come true. Do not take this lightly!! This is a gateway where your wishes are being heard and you need to order your next year through your positive thoughts of today.

You are dealing with tons of heavy baggage that could have you feeling insecure about which way to go. You are to learn from what you ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is to get you really noticing what is not okay in your life and to also get you growing in these new lands that require you transform and let go of confusion around your roots and what is going on with your home world or feelings of security. This is when you are to really feel extra sensitive and alerted by what is no longer doable for you in regard to what sort of role you want to have and to be what supports you.

You may be feeling like you need more down time or will need to do things that support you feeling safe and secure and in a healthy flow in life. You will be working on bringing balance to where now your body is speaking and telling you to go. This is when you are to awaken to a new plan on how you want your outer world to look for you. And it means there can be abrupt changes where you suddenly now want to go in this other direction and are finally really listening to your heart and allowing that to be the lead no matter what. Its about you taking over more as a leader and putting yourself out there in that position even if it requires you be brave to do this.

This time wants you taking over and creating things in a new way where you DO get to start over with the story of how you want your life to be moving. And it requires you do things that take you out of your comfort zone and into something that goes out of the lines and towards a dream that feels better in your body. This is when you are to tune to your gut and to the ways it has always been speaking to you. You may be taken ...CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is asking you to let go of what you thought you knew and open your mind to a whole other world unfolding around the ways you are surrendering and trusting the process. Around this time something comes to the light and shows you another path that needs to be considered. This may feel like a fork in the road, but it really is clear that one way wins over the other. This means there will be change and that seats are moving around so that you can start creating a foundation that supports you and helps you to start over and reach for new career gains.

Ways that life has been stuck are starting to move again and someone or some idea that is out there far and wide is where you are wanting to now bring this in closer. This means your mind is off shooting your arrow into some dream and your body now is yearning for what you hope will SOON one day be. Many of you are close to a big shift that shows a new tapestry is here to hold you and get you dreaming in new ways. This is about finding the best support that allows us to keep it real and share the true ways that we are. When we don’t have support, we tend to be a bit of a fraud and to fake our way through experiences. With support, we have confidence to keep it real and do our thing.

People are coming to help you be clear with your creative voice and to amplify it so that you open to expanding your reach and showing us a different side of who you are. This will deal with taking a leap of faith and being brave as you assert into new lands, but know, it’s time. And there is no need to be ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is going to offer you a HUGE turning point where finally you will be landing into some golden nugget that transforms your space and gets you going towards the light. It means you will be turning some corner where the base energy changes and something connects or falls into place that allows you to now see from this different view. This is similar to going through a long cave of death or being on the healing journey, and then where the clouds suddenly lift away and the sun shines again.

So know, even if you are deeply in the debt of life and contracts or arrangements with others that seem too bound to break apart and make better, something IS finally coming to get you dealing with the darkness and putting plans around how to clean up the backed up mess. Your energy is to be changing where you are the phoenix rising as the stronger being who doesn’t hold fear anymore because you have already seen the worst. You also may be facing addictions or old patterns that now you will be able to see are keeping you from joy and true happiness. A lot is to be revealed at this time and it is to keep you moving in the direction of perfecting your form and not allowing yourself to fall into unhealthy habits that are using all your money and keeping you from really being able to have a clear voice/clear energy to manifest your dreams. Its time to transform and start showing the world that you have changed.

There also may be shifts with your relationships of where you are thinking of wanting a new mate or renewal with your current partner where there is more passion and romance. As you work to heal what keeps you wanting to ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is to be when you really start waking up to wanting to step into a different role in how you interact with others. You may be wanting to reinvent yourself or to step higher with something that now you feel is no longer feeding you or supporting you to grow into better things. You may be having to make a move that deals with you standing up for yourself and using your throat to come out of the lines in what you were allowing to just be a part of your relationships. Where you have committed and said you would do, you may be thinking again and wanting to re-do something better.

This is really just saying that you are growing from what has been causing you to feel insecure and not so confident with your place in the world. From this squeeze, you are to start seeing the schooling of life and how you really are learning to love yourself no matter how anyone else treats you, and to see that feeling out of place is really just getting you to awaken to and redesign what you need your place to be. It is the discovery of what is your truth. You are to be brave in your dealings with others and to not waffle so much on thinking about how you want to be seen or want to be all peace, love and light. You can feel confused because you want to be bold and direct and making more of a force with your energy.

This moon wakes you up to seeing that its time for you to think more about you and less about what others think of you. Its time to focus on asserting from what feels good in your body no matter how programmed you have been to be this other certain rigid thing. You are to ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.


This full moon is asking you to stay fluid and to not need to know everything! It will bring a gust of wind that gets you with too many thoughts and ponderings to the point you have to surrender and just let it go and allow the moments to move along and to eventually provide you with the answers. It is asking you to spend more time meditating and not so forcefully trying to get to understandings on all that is going on and all that things may mean. It wants you to pull back into your truth and get you a little uncomfortable so that you see yourself with clarity and not just with a front that hides your feelings or stays confused in interpreting what your feelings even mean.

There are ways that you have not allowed your truth to come to your consciousness and this time is when memories or new perspectives come to help you see how you maybe need to be moving into a new path or role where you show up in a changed way because of what you have seen. In the retreat of your mind, where you are dissecting new things in new feeling ways, you are to discover that you need to change. The patterns within your day to day and with running your things are due for an upgrade FROM WHAT you discover in the down time that gets you feeling like something is wrong with your foundation and with what was supporting you.

This can be with you having new goals around where you want to go and how you want to make a bigger impact with your career. What comes to you is to cross the bridge and bring you to understandings that help you move along in a new way. So things have to connect and people and time have to ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is to be when you really let go of worrying so much about your place in the world and instead get back into this moment and into what feels like you love doing this sort of thing. Attention needs to come back to you and inside your heart where you can make decisions from the point of feeling full already – and not needing confirmation before you feel complete.

Things are shifting within your value system from you really facing death and the fears of life. From all that you dive deeply into, and not run from or try to just intellectualize your way through, is where you are growing a stronger voice in wanting to be creative and to play more in life. But you find this eutopia from checking out on confusion around your place in the world and instead just create and be and love the daily things and this WILL usher in the change that brings the solutions and upgrades to where you want to see yourself growing and sharing more of what you know.

People are going to be on your mind and especially those who are far away from you or who you haven’t connected with for some time. This energy is opening your heart and in doing that you may be seeing other perspectives or other sides to things so that it gets you wanting to forgive and move on and not stay fixated in confusion when we really are all just wounded and needing others to believe in us and give us second chances. This is when things return to you, and you do get another opportunity to try to walk the bridge into something that brings healing or balance to old confusions or miscommunications. This is when you are to ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is all about getting you to let go of some way you have been thinking of your career and how things need to be so that you feel settled and okay. Its about finding a new path that starts now and that deals with you being brave as you show yourself in new ways that deal with building yourself better and now wanting to influence in different ways.

You will be appraising your career path and the view you think you need the world to be for you. You will also be more in tune with your body and with the rest and care that you now know you need to make space for. Things are coming to you, and they are to position you in a new home or path that deals with you sharing the depth of what you know and working to get you into a new role where you are focused more on offering support. Some sort of shift takes place with what you were thinking about with your career and how now you will let that go and start thinking another thought. It may deal with you valuing yourself more and deciding to push forward with that energy – instead of seeing how out of balance the world is and how you think you have to tap dance to be successful and seen. This energy says that something inside of you coming to the light is what will BE what gets you seen. Its something hidden and deep and been in the works for some time. So allow our things to grow slowly but to be steady and sure as you keep working for their arrival.

You also will be starting over with some relationships or with people who can help you. Some shift is bringing people who agree with you and that are showing you that ...CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is asking you to let go of the confusion you have about how to get your things out there far and wide. You are to be more assertive in just doing the work because you love it and putting focus on your creative gifts from this compassionate position of being at one with your art. You are to not spend time wondering about the climb, and instead you are to go step by step, go with the flow and accept that corners come, and corners go, but NOTHING stays the same. So it makes no sense to waffle around how to get to where you want to be, but clearly the signs are saying that you need to be here in this moment and giving attention to what is around you and HOW it is making you feel. Focus is going towards you learning to stay with glass half full thoughts as you work to see things manifest. It means you have to surrender and let go and just allow life to surprise you. Things are wanting to catch you off guard so that you can learn to be at peace as the stories unfold and guide you to reach for new things.

You may be dealing with something health related that pulls you into needing more self care BECAUSE you need to rewire and get into this different flow. There is the need to make you more mutable so that you don’t get so down in thinking things aren’t going your way JUST BECAUSE the journey looks different from others. But all down time is prepping you for a reboot that will feel like a rebirth REAL SOON. As in days to weeks.

This is when something about you is to start over and start telling us all a new story on who you are. Its about you ..CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.



This full moon is SO IMPORTANT! This is when you really wake up to seeing that you have to do the work and face your fractures and make peace with what was done wrong to you in your past. Its when you are to face the demons and also how they have unraveled you and gotten you to do things that now you seriously regret.

You may even notice that you are rapidly healing – as if you can sense a big change in the future that would demand you do it anyway. For this reason, be with what yanks you into scarcity fears or feelings around certain things that make you want to hide from them or shame them away. Get in the habit of wanting to face things head on and don’t be scared to look at what is debt and dark and too complex to figure out. The real point is that you don’t have to figure anything out as you wont come to any new level of safety from figuring things out before they are really figured out in reality.

This energy wants you going into things with a new mind in going slow through the process and awaiting the final prognosis. But also, in going to these places, you will be facing where you did not use your throat to declare your boundaries and where now there are issues to clean up because of how much stronger you are feeling and ready to show yourself in a new way. From facing something darker and deciding to finally start putting things into a better order, you will grow a solid and secure system that now is moving ahead and getting out of scarcity fears from your past.

This is all about how your past has gotten you to create a path – that is not your truth. And we must release you out of the ...CONTD in April Moon Manifesto! Get the other 2/3rd of the Full Moon Reading and the daily collective readings for the month! ON SALE $5.

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Can you still buy these? It sais the link does not work.

Niki K

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