moon vibe guide

Well hello F R I D A Y! BE READY for this most powerful day!!!! We now have a small gateway where our energy is able to ground into reality from the emotions we are experiencing. You are to be fee...
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Well hello T H U R S D A Y! Listen closely today! There are messages that want to get you to believe in what you feel and not stay confused because you take on too many other opinions of people who...
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Well hello W E D N E S D A Y! The energy of yesterday lingers into today, so read that one again! We are in a tight squeeze that is getting us to choose for better things. Do not be fooled into th...
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Well hello T U E S D A Y! OKAY! Now today is going to bring you some sort of information that gets you starting your life over in a new way. You may be hearing what you have been needing to see ...
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2 4 6 | 10 to 23 Scorpio Well hello M O N D A Y! Okay loves. We have a bit of rough waters as we move through the Eclipse season energies. Something has people on their last thread and showing...
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2 3 5 | 27 Libra to 9 Scorpio Well hello S U N D A Y! You all have been THROUGH IT. Many of you feel so tired that you can't even do a thing, also because you are seeing so much that you can't ...
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Saturday 14 SOLAR ECLIPSE in Libra
1 2 3 | 15 to 26 Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Libra 11:55am Well hello S A T U R D A Y! Oh hello MOON! We love when you go SOLAR ECLIPSE in Libra and get us to REALLY notice how men...
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