moon vibe guide

Well hello M O N D A Y! Okay babies! Today and MOSTLY tomorrow brings some sort of news that deals with what first was planted into your consciousness with the Lunar Eclipse on Saturday. And actua...
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Well hello S U N D A Y! Today is EPIC and HUGE! You should wake up feeling like something has changed, even though you won't be able to put your finger on WHAT has changed. This is like what I tal...
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Saturday 28 October LUNAR ECLIPSE
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE 5 degrees Taurus 2:23PM Well hello S A T U R D A Y! Oh hello moon!! We love when you go LUNAR ECLIPSE in Taurus and get us to really stand up for ourselves -- and against o...
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Well hello F R I D A Y! We are rising into the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus tomorrow afternoon -- and you should all feel like some sort of big shift is about to reveal insight into which direction to ...
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Okay loves! Here we go showing how quickly the tides can change. Something comes later today that gets you feeling fired up and ready to get back into life. You may have felt like you were merged t...
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Well hello W E D N E S D A Y! Okay loves. You may feel the weight of the world right now where things feel so sad and out of balance. There is a lot of pain in this energy where we just don’t unde...
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Well hello T U E S D A Y! NOW. I would say we are at about 50/50 in regard to those who followed their old patterns and those who started a new one yesterday. If you stood strong in showing up as ...
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Well hello M O N D A Y! We have quite a week in store for us – and whatever happens today sets the theme. For this reason, be aware that we are on the tightrope and need to stay focused and fixate...
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Well hello S U N D A Y! So there are lots of things hitting our awareness at this time, and this really is a trial by fire to keep us SEEKING for there being SOME solution or relief from what is w...
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Well hello S A T U R D A Y! And hold on, loves! We are in some seriously powerful times, where we are aligning with others and things are coming straight for us. BUT. You need to be in close contac...
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