1:1 BEA | You and me working magic. 75 minutes
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Allow me to set your energetic body straight and get you feeling 5D amazing! BEA is ENERGY HEALINGS for your emotional and ethereal bodies. In a BEA session, I go into your body and can see what is turned off, out of place, and not supporting you in the ways it COULD.
Not only am I able to see it, but when in there, I know what to do to bring things to balance or shift into an upgraded position or build up supports around it so that it can thrive.
1:1 BEA is an amazing 75 minute session where you first fill me in on everything going wrong in your life. You get to tell what is not working and how you wish things to be. This will help me figure out where we work first in your body.
I also will have your astrology chart, human design chart and your transits. So I can also answer and support in any way you wish!
Then we go in for 30 minutes of energy healing. We do the first essential adjustments and I let you know if you have scar tissue and hooks. We remove those the 1st session.
I also offer Neuron Isolation Sessions FOR RETURNING CLIENTS where we find misfiring neurons that shut YOU DOWN and we stop them. With this we need you talking passionately about what makes you mad or rubs you raw or gets you thinking you are worthless. Things in childhood happened that fractures the way your brain or operating system runs. WIth those fractures no amount of healing works. N.I.S. is THE BEST for mental people who find it harder to heal because they operate more in the brain where they need to be convinced of things.
After purchase: we will reach out to you to find the soonest time that works for you. You will get a reminder email 24 hours before your session.
BEA and NIS brings you back to feeling good.
Everyone leaves with shiny eyes and glowing skin. When we heal on the inside, through energy healings, we see massive changes in our physical and in the world that we see. BEA is a blessing that is not to be understood in how this could be, but enjoyed in that it is here to help us shift QUICKLY into living 5D and beyond.
BEA is the NEXT LEVEL energy work that will finally set you free to use your voice and express your deepest gifts.
If you have scar tissue on your neck in your energy, you were hung or killed and silenced in past lives and it stays there to keep you from ever doing what you did in past lives that WAS powerful.
*About 80% of my clients HAVE scar tissue, as I don’t attract mainstream people. I attract the ones who DON’T fit in. If you DO have scar tissue and hooks, the session will be very similar to others with scar tissue and hooks. For this reason, I offer a GROUP BEA called Free the Witches/Shamans/Healers/Mystics where you will be in the session with one other powerful person.
- You can't fully express your truth.
- You feel like you don't belong in this world or it's too harsh and you have thought about giving up.
- You don't think you deserve good things or to be loved. Something blocks you from believing you deserve the best.
- You have had a HARD life with trauma and shadows.
- You KNOW you are powerful, but others don't see it.
- You have throat issues, thyroid problems, heart problems, severe neck pains.
With scar tissue in place, you can't believe in yourself or your gifts. You will not step up on stage and be an authority because you will feel blocked and unsure of yourself. The scar tissue will keep you from living your soul's purpose.
IN THIS SESSION WE REMOVE IT COMPLETELY! And you get to start again.
If you are depressed or have been struggling for some time, it may take more than one BEA to get you into a better position! It also may take more because you have wild neurons. Most people are flying high after one session -- but be aware that if you really feel buried in life, it will take a bit more of the BEA love to set you straight. But you are NOT too far gone. Some people just need extra sessions.
BEA ONLY sticks to LOVE. It's essential that you are able to conjure up gratitude in your body for the session.
This work is VERY UNIQUE but what it needs is a clean slate of OPEN HEART, OPEN MIND and LOVE knowing you are going to get what you need.
CLIENT EXAMPLE: One of my current clients was skeptical of distance energy healing and had worked with many Reiki healers before and not noticed a difference. She was mold poisoned and vaccine damaged and after ONE SESSION, she was able to work out again after not being able to for YEARS. On our 2nd session, she looked like a new person!! This was also when she signed up for the monthly mentoring program. So she came at me full of doubt, and wonder, and left wanting to get this work monthly!
CLIENT EXAMPLE: One long term monthly client has noticed a change with her children since getting BEA healings. Her son has started apologizing for things, which he has NEVER done, and her daughter has grown stronger with boundaries in really letting people know what she does NOT want them to do! This is from the PINK PROTECTION and SOLAR SCREEN we put into the client. It really DOES ripple out to others!
CLIENT EXAMPLE: One of my long term twice monthly clients is a Reflector, like my father was! When we first started sessions, she was scattered and in so many places that she didn't even look solid. She now is SO STRONG and solid and THERE with a clear presence. She feels like a generator now! And she is manifesting EVERYTHING now. Got the grounded job where she is making a BIG difference. Got the brand new car. Got the sweetest little home that is the lowest rent there could be! Got a person who is REALLY working to have a healthy relationship with her. Has people FIGHTING for her and really coming in to show that we see her. She was looking translucent and now she is the most beautiful creature of SOLID FORCE.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and I cannot promise any results.
But what you put into it, I will match -- and double. If you think miracles are possible, I will show you that they ARE. My clients work with me because they are REALLY ready for change and they BELIEVE that something out there will bring correction to their lives.
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