CRYSTAL FRIENDS #13 Manifest it!
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Crystal Friends #13 Manifest it is the energy you need to BELIEVE in your dreams! Hold these crystals and set your visions alive!
THESE FRIENDS COME TOGETHER AND POSITION YOU AS A MANIFESTOR. They change your energy so that you actually believe you can do something -- and THAT IS THE KEY! Then they work with your new upgraded energy and focus into what you are thinking or wishing for. These are your New Moon Wishes FRIENDS! You want these in your hands as you see the better things you would like to manifest. This will be like going from bike to car in getting you to your dreams. Use them often and they turn into a jet plane.
So. Here's how it goes.
1. DO NOT USE THESE STONES OFTEN. They are special and need to be used when you are purposefully working on visioning a better solution or outcome. When you need to ask for help or want to see something come into your life, get friends #13. But DO NOT just carry them around on the norm, like you can with the other Crystal Friends. These are special occasion friends.
2. CLEAN AFTER EVERY USE. If you live near the mountains, perfect, rinse them in a stream for a few seconds and they will thank you! Or, bury them in your yard for a few minutes. Do not use city water or soap! If you live in the city get soil from outside and keep it in a bowl in your home.
3. SPECIAL HAND HOLDING POSITIONS. These work good if you hold them in one hand, BUT they go turbo if you hold them just like this:
Left hand: Ametrine and one Apatite.
Right hand: Rose Quartz and one Apatite.
4. Spend at least 8 minutes visualizing your dreams while holding these high quality gemstones. Understand that you are filling up an order and these minutes need you focusing fully on what you are asking for. Be clear and know your wish is now on the way to manifesting what you most dream.
5. To KEEP WITH the dream we will be offering Crystal Friends #14: Complete the dream next month! It helps with tasks or anything where you HAVE to keep with the challenge with a positive perspective. Your seed is now planted, know that it will grow.
BOX #13 = 1 piece of Ametrine. 1 piece of Rose Quartz. 2 pieces of Apatite.
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