Group BEA #2 | Boundaries, please!
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BEA #2: Boundaries, please! process: 75 minute group session.
Get ready to walk out feeling IN LOVE with how beautiful you are and how sweet the energy around you suddenly feels! This is a gamechanger for ALL empaths and sensitive souls!
12 people allowed to participate.
The #2 process:
+ clear the caches
+ heart pop to get your heart OUT THERE, with sparkles and ready to be loved! 95% of people have a small, cold or hard heart from trauma and sadness. This wakes it back up and jump starts a more compassionate way to be.
+ place 2 inch layer of pink unconditional love barrier around your whole body. When in place, this also blocks out past life attachments that hook into certain organs or parts of the body. When the pink goes up, pains relating to these past life attachments suddenly go away. And if these attachments can't get in, they disconnect and go off to be transmuted. They literally die when the pink goes up because it is so high vibrational!
+ balance chakras by adjusting root and clearing calcification from the 3rd eye and crown
Group process: run energy and rainshower.
What this does: it seals your whole body in love; thus you feel a blanket of love around you. It also buffers all the negative messages or judgments that come your way. It dilutes the messages so that you don’t get hit and don’t go small or low because of how OTHERS feel. This keeps you solid in the core of who you really are. This one also is better than botox! BEA really does help us become more BEAutiful in our eyes and others! Expect to get attention after this adjustment!
How do I pronounce BEA? It's like Bea(trice). Not B.E.A. and not bae. BEA!
Why does BEA energy feel so different? Because it is 5d energy to upgrade your body and integrate the healing work you have already intellectually completed. It works FAST and things correct instantly. WIth BEA we are not only putting energy or symbols in the body, we SEE into the body and can adjust anything that we see.
Can I leave early or after I get my adjustment? YES. The group or circle energy is sealed from the moment I begin to end. If you are on a tight schedule, you can email us before the session, and we’ll begin with you. Leaving won’t affect any of the energy work to be completed, even at the end when I run the group energy!
I created the Group BEA to be more flexible and affordable and POWERFUL, actually, because it is magnified group energy.
How many BEA’s do I need to do and in what order? This is all on you in all the ways. You come when you need a BEA. You come BACK when you need a BEA. If you don’t need one, you are good to go and can trust that the adjustment will stay. With #2, every time you get an adjustment, the pink layer becomes stronger. We start with something about 2 inches for each session. The pink around me is over 2 yards! And with #5, you may need this one on the regular! It deals with our creativity, so we may need this one often if we keep losing our creative inspirations.
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