Group BEA #2 | Boundaries, please!
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BEA is energy work for your emotional and ethereal bodies. In a BEA session I go into your body and can see what is going on. But not only am I able to see it, but when there, I know exactly what to do to bring it to balance or shift it into better position or build up supports around it so that it can thrive. I don’t know why I feel so confident when in position, but I do know what to do in these sessions. I am able to be this artist inside our bodies where I can help you level up through correcting things that are keeping you in the 3d. I see the blocks in energy form.
Group BEA is an hour long session where we come together in a group of maximum 8 people and I do a BEA on each one of you AS we are in a group energy setting.
We come together on zoom, and in this one, you won’t be commenting or needing to show up ready for anything. You just need to join, be there on time, love being there, love that all your group BEA peoples are going to be getting this gift too -- and receive the magic.
I will say your name when it is your turn, and you just need to nod your head to let me know you know I’m coming in.
Each person gets 5 minutes. After everyone gets adjusted, I run the chakra energy of the group together, where I am the composer taking them up and then down. With this, I take us higher so that we make space to believe in more -- and then we go down and deeper to get you really grounded and feeling like you belong on Earth.
If you think you belong, and know you are lovable and valuable, YOU ARE GOLDEN and can manifest as you wish. Most of you do not possess a sense of belonging OR loving and valuing who you are. BEA sessions correct that! I go into the energy in your emotional body that contributes to your struggles, and I transmute it.
Each session begins with “Clear your caches” where I take out all these files in your mind that are keeping other things in your body from working correctly. You know how messed up things can be if the caches are overloaded with too much to process. So each session, we always need to first clear files that are no longer serving our higher purpose and THEN we go in and apply the adjustment of each group theme.
Can I leave early or after I get my Group BEA adjustment? YES. The group or circle energy is sealed from the moment I begin and end. If you are on a tight schedule, you can email us before the session and we’ll begin with you. Leaving won’t affect any of the energy work to be completed, even at the end when I run the group energy!
I created the Group BEA to be more flexible and affordable and POWERFUL, actually, because it is magnified group energy, while still benefiting from the 1:1 BEA of an individualized 30 minute session.
How many BEA’s do I need to do and in what order? This is all on you in all the ways. You come when you need a BEA. You come BACK when you need a BEA. If you don’t need one, you are good to go and can trust that the adjustment will stay.
Some of you are built to be one and done and others need to keep receiving on a regular schedule. Maybe you will notice every season you want to BEA up. Maybe you enjoy getting them weekly or monthly.
It’s all on the state of your emotional body and with what trauma and false programming is in the way. Like I say, if you have a lot of Libra, Virgo or activity in the 6th house, you may need more BEA sessions than someone else.
In a long term client, after two weeks, her glass half empty channel was flowing again because her thoughts were going negative and it broke through the “sandbag” I put in as a block. She is double Libra, and Sun and Saturn in 6th house!
So I went in the next time to reinforce it and make it twice as thick, realizing, old habits die hard in most people. If your habit is of a negative or doomsday mind, we may need you in BEA on the regular! But at least you will feel better and will feel in control of your life!
Are there other options besides Group BEA? 1:1 BEA is an amazing 30 minute session where you first fill me in on everything. You get about 10 minutes to tell what is not working and how you wish things to be. This will help me figure out where we work first in your body, as I only see things when I am in there and in little pieces at a time. Think of driving in the fog. I only see what is right in front of me when doing this energy work.
So what you share helps me fine tune the session! I do about 20 minutes of BEA on you and then you get a recording of the session. I am gifted in manifesting you what you wish for when I feel passion for what you wish for. This session gets me wanting the best for you and adjusting things in your emotional and ethereal bodies to help make it come true.
BEA brings you back to feeling good. Everyone leaves with shiny eyes, and they ALWAYS feel better. There is no way you will enter in a slump and leave the same way. BEA brings love back to your body. And from there, the sky will finally be the limit! When we heal on the inside, we see massive changes in our physical and in the world that we see.
BEA is a blessing that is not to be understood in how this could be, but enjoyed in that it is here to help us shift into experiencing 5d.
Look to the other side. WIth every life situation, you interpret through the process of GLASS HALF EMPTY or GLASS HALF FULL. There is a channel in our body that is influenced from your past conditioning and it shows whether you innately go to the positive, or the negative.
In this adjustment I apply what feels like a sandbag blocking the lower channel so that you HAVE to think positive and HAVE to believe in better things. Think how amazing it would be to wake up and NOT say, oh no, it's a cloudy day and instead to be energetically shifted to saying, oh, it's a cloudy day, but I bet the sun will come out later!! This adjustment is the missing link to you holding more authentic hope in your body. When you think in higher ways, you manifest a higher life.
Here we add layers of love between you and others. I apply an energetic pink layer around your front torso. Some of you need it lifted over the head but most of you just need the body covered. I find out when I get in there how far we have to go with it. In my eyes it looks like a cotton candy blanket I apply over you.
This adjustment changes you so that there are all these layers that YOU and others have to move through before things are processed. It means other people's things dont hit you in the same way!! It means they can't affect you so detrimentally.
This is the one I did on my Reflector client, who has NO definition, and she called it a game changer. Normally others energy tanks her and we have to start fresh each session. But after this energy work, she felt born again!
Think about walking around with bubble wrap. That is what this does!! It keeps others from impacting you in dramatic ways so that you get blown to pieces. It softens their messages and it means what you first feel is the love of your extra layers giving you the power to not take other things so seriously. This is HUGE BLESSING of an adjustment.
This is limited to 8 people. This is where I will go inside each of your bodies and then connect to the situation you have with your mother. We will be sending tons of love her way and dealing with any cord connections that I find. This will be a really loving session as we clean up the spaces with grace. It's all love here but it's about letting things go that don't serve your purpose. You are not here to save your mother and be what fixes her. It's time to let go of thinking you need to do something with a narcissistic mother to be what changes her. Let me work on that and see what we can change in the physical.
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