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LEVEL 1: This is the base coat of what will help you to start manifesting a 5D life and to remove yourself from what you created in 3D dense thinking. Before, you thought there was not enough to go around, or you are not good enough or you need to fight for what you want. You have NOT felt at home here.
This POWER PACKED group session will get your energetic body in position to manifest the LOVE you want to see in your life. Get ready to walk out feeling amazing as you suddenly are happy go lucky about whatever before caused you to hold fear. You will walk out feeling the loving support of your pink protection and your mind will be calm and NOT EVEN racing around like it was before the energy upgrade. You will feel different and it will be exciting to your cells to feel that you HAVE been expanded and there IS more room to grow.
*We suggest doing 5D Special Sauce AFTER this Group BEA!! It's a magical BEA that holds better when on the foundation of 5D Upgrade Essentials. I discovered it's not as powerful when being the first BEA healing. We must begin this healing journey with FREE THE WITCHES, a 1:1 or 5D UPGRADE ESSENTIALS.
5 people allowed to participate. 60 minute session. After purchase, you will receive a link to schedule your BEA! If you don't find a time available, let us know and we will create one for you!
The 5D Upgrade Essentials includes these BEA adjustments:
Clear the Caches. Here your soul will bring me files that it feels you no longer need or that it is too much information impeding your progress. Here your soul knows what to give me and I remove the energetic of what is in the file -- which neither you or I have access to in this process.
5D Light. Here we fill your head to the torso with white light that gets you glowing!
Clear Calcification from Third Eye and Crown. Here we clear what fluoride and pharmaceuticals and city water do to you! I can get them back to position and clearly connecting to spirit and to listening to your body to guide you.
The Heart Pop. Here I pop your heart back into position and get it to show its sparkles. If you are on the spiritual journey, you will be showing silver sparkles! The further you go in healing your system, we also see gold sparkles and pink sparkles!
The Pink Protection. With this process we cover your entire body in the highest vibrating love. This looks just like cotton candy in color and consistency as I weave the energy into the area just outside your body. You go from burlap sack around you to cashmere. #1 loved BEA!
Block the Glass Half Empty. Here we make an adjustment in your brain which decides whether you go glass half empty or full. We fix you to 80% full 20% empty (to keep your discrimination abilities) and make any adjustments to the damage of this area.
The Golden C. We fix this part in the brain and turn you into The Golden Child. This one makes you think you deserve EVERYTHING you wish for and OF COURSE you will get it!
The Solar Screen. Here we apply a screen over your solar plexus so that you don’t reach out into others' bodies to concern yourself so much in wanting to be heard or understood. This allows you to not give AF about being a pleaser and the good one. This keeps you in your core and not changing to make others feel more comfortable.
Balance the Root Chakra. We do a quick adjustment to get it OUT of worrying about all that could go wrong and solid in just being here in the moment. This adjustment reduces anxiety by 90% as per what my clients say.
Run the Chakra Energies. Start from the top, end at the top, and get all the chakras flowing together and expanded into infinity to ground you deeper and get you with more space to really believe you CAN do miraculous things.
The Clearing Shower. Here we clear everything in our aura that got worked up in our session.
*THE 5D UPGRADE ESSENTIALS BEA is similar to FREE THE WITCHES, except FTW includes what is below. Change to FREE THE WITCHES if you feel like something has kept you from speaking your truth or being as powerful as you ARE. This will be with a group of 3 of your fellow mystics/witches/shamans/healers and visionaries here to bring in New Earth.
The Healing Baths. The Black Bath and The Red Rose Petal Bath focus on working on your cells. First, we clear serious toxins from your cells and then we do the highest level healing of your cells.
Remove Scar Tissue around the Throat. Here I will dissolve every sign of scar tissue and will heal the gaping wounds it leaves.
Remove Dead and Alive Hooks. These always show up with scar tissue. They are past life attachments that fabricated a hook in you to never come out. So if they get cut by someone who doesn’t know how to handle hooks, they leave the hook in you and it dies and it poisons you. Many who have them, have illness or problems in where they are found.
What this does: it seals your whole body in love; thus you feel a blanket of love around you. It also buffers all the negative messages or judgments that come your way. It dilutes the messages so that you don’t get hit and don’t go small or low because of how OTHERS feel. This keeps you solid in the core of who you really are. Expect to get attention after this adjustment! This session gets you feeling amazing and beautiful and on purpose and strong AF.
How do I pronounce BEA? It's like Bea(trice). Not B.E.A. and not bae. BEA!
Why does BEA energy feel so different? Because it is 5d energy to upgrade your body and integrate the healing work you have already intellectually completed. It works FAST and things correct instantly. WIth BEA we are not only putting energy or symbols in the body, we SEE into the body and can adjust anything that we see.
Can I leave early or after I get my adjustment? YES. The group or circle energy is sealed from the moment I begin to end. If you are on a tight schedule, you can email us before the session, and we’ll begin with you. Leaving won’t affect any of the energy work to be completed, even at the end when I run the group energy!
I created the Group BEA to be more flexible and affordable and POWERFUL, actually, because it is magnified group energy.
How many BEA’s do I need to do and in what order? This is all on you in all the ways. You come when you need a BEA. You come BACK when you need a BEA. If you don’t need one, you are good to go and can trust that the adjustment will stay. With #2, every time you get an adjustment, the pink layer becomes stronger. We start with something about 2 inches for each session. The pink around me is over 2 yards! And with #5, you may need this one on the regular! It deals with our creativity, so we may need this one often if we keep losing our creative inspirations.
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