Quiet & Calm Mind | The Healing Sessions
This 41 minute BEA healing session is where we train your brain to seek the feeling of calm and surrender. There is so much magic to be found when we are silent and anticipating something. But instead we stay clogged in the brain, with too many things distracting us, and too many voices that ARE against what we want to see. This session clears you of that madness and makes way for the mystery to speak to you.
- helps you silence the uncontrollable voices in your head.
- clears the way for you to REALLY be here now and make the best decisions for your beautiful future to be
- calms your mind and teaches you a new way to BE in your brain.
- helps you see that it IS going to be okay and all is in order.
- helps you create good things as you wait for them to be.
- this one helps you feel like you DO have a place and you DO belong and there IS something amazing up ahead that is about to arrive into your life. This healing is like the warm fuzzies.
Who this is for:
- anyone with anxiety or fear of the future.
- anyone who has a busy mind where you can't seem to stop the voices and the bouncing around to this and that.
- anyone who has negative voices inside or who is judgmental.
- anyone wanting to learn how to be more loving and trusting in their mind.
The BEA Now deal.
You purchase ONCE and you get to enjoy this healing session forever. These energy healing meditations never stop providing the healing energy. If you show up for them, they show up for you.
What you get:
First we need your birth data. Then within 48 hours, an email will arrive with your healing session that is programmed to your unique energies!
You will receive a 41 minute session that you can do whenever you need to send AND receive love. This is such a soothing experience!!
Client comments:
I've had clients say this session quickly shifts them from chaos to relaxed and at peace. I also have clients who do it before bed or while taking a bath so as to open to other inspiration. Many clients say it feels very loving to do this session.
This is a mysterious session, but if you want to bring the peace and quiet to your body and mind, this is your session!
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Your Questions Answered
With The First Session, I need you to send: (We send an email asking for this info)
Your name, a picture of yourself, and your birth data (month/day/year + time + city/state)
With The Programmed Healing Session, you don't have to send us anything.
This listing is for clients I have already worked with, so I have your data. I will reach out if I can't find it or need to see your picture to refresh our connection.
With Customized Meditations, we send you an email asking for more information OR we send you the scheduling link so we can book the 1:1 30 minute session.
With The Daily Meds, no need to send anything! The Daily Meditation link will come directly to you after purchase where you can listen or download.
To make these healings heal and heal again, I have to program YOU into the session. The sessions can be created for a group of clients, and I show BEA who the clients are. In the session, I show the BEA energies WHO they are now having a long term healing relationship with.
If you are a repeat BEA client and you order the The Daily Meds, your download is delivered right after the purchase is made.
If you ordered The First Session, or a Programmed Healing Session, the recording link will come about 2 days after the recording date. The recording date tends to be about a week after the listing is opened again.
If you ordered The Customized Meditation with email correspondence, you will receive your meditation within a week.
If you ordered The Customized Meditation with 1:1 30 minute correspondence, we will meet on a zoom call within the next few days to 2 weeks, and then the meditation comes about a day later.
Yes. Even if our session was years ago. If we have touched base with BEA, you can enjoy the BEA Now Programmed Healing Sessions and The Daily Meds.
UPDATE: We are now offering The First Session as a Programmed Healing Session! So AFTER you do that upgrade, you CAN enjoy ALL the BEA Now when and however you need the adjustments!
Yes. We need BEA energies in everyone. So please share this with those you love!
Each Programmed Healing Session is about 20 to 40 minutes.
Each of The Daily Meds is about 15 minutes.
The First Session is about 60 minutes.
... and THEY NEVER EXPIRE. This is a healing session that will be there for you EVERY SINGLE TIME you need it. BEA Now is programmed or customized to be as powerful on day one as it will be on day one million.
Honestly, it took me years to finally start doing sessions as a distance healing, with us NOT on zoom looking at each other -- and I realized that they are EPICALLY more powerful when I DO.
It's because, when I do a distance healing, or a Customized Healing Sessions, I do so by going into a meditative space, possibly pulling a card, but then going in and doing the work privately and with no eyes or technology or schedules impacting me.
But also in a 1:1 I only focused on giving you this one healing, and also a ton of information and support, but with BEA NOW transmissions we connect into you, like with a loving cord, to ALWAYS be there for you when you need to get adjusted – and always feeling better after listening to them.
So they have to be created in a way where I am fully in the alone space process and listening as I apply the BEA energies. ---- It's SO AMAZING!!!! I for sure found home when I discovered this and even though people have been asking for this for years, it wasn’t until I did a session off zoom that I walked what IS the best way to receive these energies, I believe!
And mostly, I make that statement because some people are like me where we don’t need a lot of BEA energies in our system. We get them, and our bodies change to that higher vibration.
BUT MOST PEOPLE, and I can see it in their eyes when they are my first-time client, will need several sessions to get them back into their proper position, and not collapsing or falling away -- and not staying
So BEA NOW is the solution, especially for those folk, for the ones who have been down for a while and feeling like they will never get better. If you are there, you 100% need BEA NOW on the DAILY.
And who doesn’t love the feeling they get after a BEA session?! You feel on fire and alive and awakened.
Through BEA NOW, you get that whenever you need it!!! What could be better? This is LONG-TERM mental health and energetic adjustments that keep you in your best form – so your operation system is running without bugs. When we have that Golden C open, we NEVER feel like a victim and we only take things IN STRIDE. If something doesn’t come, we trust there is something better up ahead. We think infinitely. We think we deserve the best, like the Golden Child does. So imagine the life you would live if you had THAT operating as it should??? You would be happier, I guarantee.
So come discover BEA NOW and begin the most miraculous journey that you HAVE been wishing for! It's here. And these offering bring QUICK change.
When I meditate and create these, I send the healings out in a different way when requesting that they show up EVERY TIME the listener hears/reads the meditation.
What happens when you have been unjustly killed in past lives is that scar tissue stays on your neck, which then has you NEVER fully believing in yourself and your gifts. IF YOU HAVE SCAR TISSUE, you never fully believe you are as incredible as YOU ARE. You may have throat issues, thyroid issues, pain in your throat when trying to stand up for yourself -- but for sure, a gulp that stops you from true confidence and potency.
The hooks are there IF you have scar tissue. The hooks were implanted in past lives and they are a 2nd defense in keeping you from being healthy, whole and SURE of your gifts.
The types of hooks are:
1. Regular. These ones look like a fish hook, and if you try to remove them, like with cord cutting, the hook remains, OR it rips through your system when being removed. I am able to put my hand OVER the fish hook part and safely remove it from your system.
2. Replicators. These hooks were programmed to repeat what they are IF they are being removed. These ones take a bit longer to work with, but we get them out.
3. Growers Not Showers. These are super small and they are the only ones that MOVE. They may go from your throat to your heart, to your lungs. They may stay in the head and control the energy centers.
Another "hook" NOT relating to past lives is called the MACHINE HOOK. These ones are ONLY removed with the Machine Hooks OUT Programmed Meditation -- that we suggest you do once a month.
These ones are dangerous in how easy they spread, which can only happen because of 5G technology. When I first noticed them on clients, when removing them, they would then COME INTO ME! These hooks travel through manipulative "rabbit hole" media material where merely accessing these websites and articles implants the machine hooks INTO YOU.
If you have a Machine Hook in your body, you are sick, not feeling well, always angry, with a VERY ping-pong ball active mind, and you want to disrupt people who are working to be love and light. You will be fixated in bringing up conversations to certain types of people who are NOT getting their information from the "rabbit holes". The machine hooks DRIVES YOU to disrupt people that you feel are not on your team.
I'm going to let you in on a wild idea I have. I believe we are waiting for 144,000 people to VIBE HIGHLY in order to shift the energies on the planet. Not read about HOW TO vibe highly, but ACTUALLY vibing highly.
And I have wondered if I am freeing the 144,000 who are powerful peoples in past lives who were killed because of what they knew or could do.
So my answer is at least 144,000 people do.
And as for percentage of clients I have seen it on. Now, I do think this is not a fair percentage out in the world because I have always attracted people who are ahead of the times, world changers, healers and full on badass in regards for not falling for the manipulations. I attract people who question authority. So as for working on about 400 clients at this point. I would say 75% of them have scar tissue. But out in the world, I would say one in 144,000 do.
Every single person that you think of as being SO ANGRY and wanting to fight and also not feeling very healthy and content with life. It's about as many as got covid. This is why I suggest the Machine Hooks Out Programmed Meditation be done at least once a month.
These are neurons in your brain that SHOULD be your best friend and keeping your car running at it's best. But if we know trauma in our past, we these wild neurons come in to basically help us understand WHY we are experiencing pain. If you were told by a parent that you will never be loved, are not good enough, that they wish you were never born, YOU HAVE WILD NEURONS NOW. And they affirm what you saw in your past.
Wild neurons become an enemy inside of you. Confirming that you are a loser and can never expect to be happy, healthy or successful. They are bullies that hijack our brain and then cut us off from going for the life of our dreams.
SO WE MUST ADULT THEM back into being a loving Grandmother energy in how our brains function and communicate. When we catch and contain and reformat the wild neurons, they stop acting out. Like a baby crying because it is hungry. These meditations give your wild neurons what they need to eat!
Yes, actually. But not in the same potency as it will to WHO the BEA Now Healing Meditation is programmed to. To overhear, basically, WILL feel good to the receiver! But it may be shorter term in how or how often it feels good to them to listen to the meditation. The long term is why we need to know the WHO of who this BEA healing is to be reaching, and reaching, and reaching. For this to KEEP working, we need to program the WHO into the meditations intended direction.
SInce we are working in distance healing, I DO want you to consume a huge glass of water BEFORE and AFTER the session.
During the session, HOLD LOVE & GRATITUDE. It works HEAPS when you are vibrating joy at getting to experience this amazing 5D energy! BEA sticks to love. So do your all to meet it there.
After the session, do what you can to connect into nature, noticing how things are brighter, clearer, and feeling more alive. Notice how the clouds look LOVELY. And now go off and have a beautiful day!
If you are doing The FIRST SESSION 60 minute Programmed Meditation, have space to do nothing afterwards! Do not do this session and race into the office to work.
The First Session Meditation MAY be removing scar tissue and hooks, if they are in your body, and this means a bit of recovery will be required. For most people, it will be 2 days of feeling tired and wanting to stay in bed and cry. After the 48 hours you will snap awake and feel supersonic! It is removing scar tissue and hooks that requires more down time. If you think you dont have hooks or scar tissue, The First Session will be utterly activating and you will feel fantastic immediately afterwards.
Yes, my love! Let's talk. We are collaborating with Circle facilitators -- and will limit how many we work with per state so that we can provide you BEA Now sessions utterly unique FOR YOUR clients! What a bonus BEA Now will be to a New or Full Moon Session! REACH OUT HERE and we can talk about ideas for bring BEA Now to YOUR clients.

Repeat Clients ONLY!
Programmed Healing Sessions

Daily Meds & Neuron Support

Programmed First Healing Session